

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com



In the work, attitude decides everything. Not only does not work, and the important value of the work. Different attitudes, different life, what kind of attitude will produce what kind of behavior, and decided to different results.

There is such a small story: three workers in a wall. Someone to come over to ask: "you at stem what?"

The first man smiled up say: "did you see? Wall-built! I'm carrying the heavy stones? It's tiring ah…

The second personal looked smiled, said: "we build a building in this work. But really not easy ah…

The third person smiles happily say: "we're building a new city. Now we have covered the building of the future will be one of the urban construction Peugeot! Think can participate in such a project, it was really exciting."

Years later, the first man still wall-built, The second personal sitting in the office, he became a picture drawing engineers, Third, the boss is two people. Visible, one working attitude of life attitude, while the refraction attitude determines a person's life……




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