

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样写远离黄赌毒的演讲稿]、演讲稿的结构。演讲稿的结构通常包括开场白、正文、结尾三部分。 开场白是演讲稿中很重要的部分。好的开场白能够紧紧地抓住听众的注意力,为整场演讲的成功打下基础。常用...+阅读

My topic is on creating a brilliant Beijing: Time for Action Facing mountain, you will feel how grand and magnificent it is; Looking towards ocean, you will exclaim in surprise its popple; Looking up to a pine, you will certainly praise how high and vigorous it is; Overlooking small grass, you must eulogize its steadfast and persevering vitality. Yes, that is because there is full of a tenacious Chinese nation's will throughout thousands years on their body, that is because their body condenses a Chinese nation's essence throughout thousands years. After thousands of years, the Chinese nation's crystallization of wisdom is coruscating holily in the world, in a simple and unsophisticated way, in a solemn and stirring way, depending on its unyielding and tenacious ethos, and depending on the national spirit which is indomitable and strives constantly for self-improvement after tribulation.Dear schoolmates, think that when you extend greetings to the teacher, the older generation and guests politely; when your give your hand to your schoolmate who is in trouble; when you learned to express a self love toward your parents; When you learned to cherish every granule grain; when you learned to be more broader when treating the others; when you acknowledge your mistake; When you are surefooted to do things before your reach your dream, that all you are doing to develop and expand traditional virtue and the national spirit is.Dear schoolmates, Great Wall is extending under our feet, the Yellow River is surging in our chest, the endless ethos flowing torrentially in our blood. Match is for brightness, oil lamp is for night, we are born for our motherland. Our destiny has already linked up with our motherland tightly on the way paved with our sweat and toil tomorrow. Let the loud sound of the Yellow River surmount our soul, let our vast blackland strong our will, let us carry forward our national spirit and give our regretless youth for our motherland's revival, peace and the unification.Isn't true? In boundless Long River of history, Chinese traditional virtue and the national spirit have cast our soul; have become the Chinese nation's spirit for developing. It has also accumulated a lake of age-old morality and cultural heritage, it contains rich human being's morality prime, it has embodied human being's ideality for an ideal personality and the truth, it declares to the world the Chinese great ethos from generation to generation for ever. Our motherland has stood on the starting point of our nation's great revival after the Chinese sports delegation won the first place in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games for the first time in the Olympic history.


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