
关于life health sport演讲稿一分钟

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁有好的关于质量的演讲稿帮帮我呀谢谢了关于产品质量的演讲]在当今这个资讯高度发达的社会,不论是制造业企业还是商业企业,要想在日益激烈的市场竞争中 立于不败之地,就必须高度重视提高产品(服务)质量,否则,将会被市场无情淘汰。因此,注重提...+阅读



In 2002 the World Health Organisation (WHO)世界卫生组织 World Health Report indicated that mortality病态, morbidity and disability残疾 attributed to the major non-communicable diseases 不会传染的疫病accounted for over 60% of all deaths, and unhealthy diets不健康的饮食 and physical inactivity 身体不活动were among the leading causes of these diseases各种疾病首要原因.

Sport and physical activity体育和运动 are crucial决定性的

for life-long healthy living健康长寿. Sport and play improve health and well-being, extend life expectancy and reduce the likelihood of several non-communicable diseases including heart disease.

Regular physical activity and play are essential[ i'senSəl ]for physical, mental生理的,精神的, psychological 心理的and social development社会发展. Good habits 好习惯start early: The important role of physical education体育教学的重要角色 is demonstrated by the fact 事实证明that children who exercise are more likely 很可能 to stay physically active as adults. Sport also plays a major positive role起积极作用 in one's emotional health情绪健康, and allows to build valuable social connections, often offering opportunities for play and self-expression.

Recognizing the important links between sport, physical activity and health, in 2004 the WHO adopted the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health and a Resolution Health Promotion and Healthy lifestyles. Both documents emphasize the importance to start the practice of adapted physical activity early in childhood.

In 2004, the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) was the latest United Nations system organisation to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to involve the world of sport more actively in fighting the epidemic.



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