

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于真爱的英语演讲稿]Only mother love is true love .It's gives everybody everything in all his life ,When you are still a baby ,mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In...+阅读

大家好!我今天演讲的题目是《保护校园环境,从你我做起》。 Everybody is good! The topic of my speech today is "protect the campus environment, starts from you and me". 学校是一个育人的摇篮,是一方纯净的沃土,校园的文明直接折射出社会的文明。然而,我们的校园中常常出现一些不好的现象,却不由得让我们对这个问题重新进行了思考:究竟,我们的校园还是一个洁净的校园吗?我们的同学是优秀的学生吗?作为中国跨世纪新一代的小学生就是我们这样的吗?这不得不引起我们的思考。 School is a cradle of education, is a pure fertile soil, the campus civilization directly reflects social civilization. However, some bad phenomena often appear in our campus, but couldn't help to let us to think: this problem again, our campus is a clean campus? Our classmates are good students? As a new generation of China's cross-century pupil is like us? This had to cause our thinking. 我们,作为云师附小的一员,首先要做的是校园卫生保持工作,不要随地乱扔果皮纸屑,人人养成讲卫生的好习惯,让我们的校园时时干净、整洁,让全体师生拥有一个良好的工作、学习环境。我们应做到“看见污迹主动擦、发现纸屑主动捡,遇到垃圾主动扫,碰到乱扔主动管”,语言美,行为美,不损坏一花、一草、一木、不浪费一滴水、一度电,不乱撕、乱扔、乱吐、乱画。从你我做起,从身边的小事做起,做当代文明好学生。 We, as a member of the cloud conservatory division, the first thing to do is the campus health work, don't throw everywhere debris-brick, everyone to form the good habit of hygiene, let our campus be always clean, neat and let all the teachers and students have a good working and learning environment. We should do "see smear wipe, found the confetti active pick up actively, meet garbage, actively meet throw active tube", the language is beautiful, handsome, no damage to the flowers, grass, wood, do not waste a drop of water, electricity, once not to tear, litter, disorderly spit, graffiti. Start from you and me, start from around things, do good student contemporary civilization. 在此,我向全体同学发出如下倡议: Here, I sent the following initiative to the students:

一、不带零食到学校来; A, don't bring snacks to school;

二、不乱丢果皮,纸屑,不吃口香糖,不随地吐痰; Second, do not throw the peel, paper scraps, don't eat chewing gum, do not spit everywhere;

三、不践蹋草坪,不摘花摇树; Three, don't practice play lawn and does not shake the tree to pick a flower;

四、加强思想品德教育。主动捡拾别人丢在地上的垃圾,养成“文明清洁”的良好习惯,共同创建一个美丽的校园。 Four, strengthen ideological and moral education. Take the initiative to pick up other people throw garbage on the ground, form the good habit of "clean" civilization, together to create a beautiful campus. 同学们,让我们行动起来,积极地投入到保护校园环境的活动之中,人人动手,为创造一个现代化的、美好的学习和工作环境而共同努力,而做出应有的贡献吧! Boys and girls, let's action, and actively participate in the protection of campus environment, all hands, to create a modern, better learning and working environment and work together to and make due contributions! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家。 My speech to this end, thank you.


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