

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇英语演讲稿我的爱好3分钟]My hobby is reading books. When I was seven years old, I became interested in reading books. I like reading books because there are a lot of useful things in bo...+阅读

一只猫的生命哲学:The Zen of Cat The Man was very sad. He knew that the Cat's days were numbered.The doctor had said there wasn't anything more that could be done,that he should take the Cat home and make him as comfortable as possible. The man stroked the Cat on his lap and sighed.The Cat opened his eyes, purred and looked up at the Man. A tear rolled down the Man's cheek and landed on the Cat's forehead.The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed look. “Why do you cry, Man?”the Cat asded.“Because you can't bear the thought of losing me? Because you think you can never replace me?”The Man nodded “yes.” “And where do you think I'll be when I leave you?”the Cat asked. The Man shrugged helplessly. “Close your eyes, Man,” the Cat said. The Man gave him a questioning look, but did as he was told. “What color are my eyes and fur?” the Cat asked. “Your eyes are gold and your fur is a rich, warm brown,” the Man replied. “And where is it that you most often see me?”asked the Cat. “I see you…on the kitchen windowsill watching the birds…on my favorite chair…on my desk lying on the papers I need…on the pillow next to my head at night.” “Then, whenever you wish to see me, all you must do is close your eyes,” said the Cat. “Pick up that piece of string from the floor——there, my 'toy.'” The Man opened his eyes, then reached over and picked up the string. It was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to entertain himself for hours with it. “Now take each end of the string in one hand,” the Cat ordered. The Man did so. “The end in your left hand is my birth and the end in your right hand is my death. Now bring the two ends together,” the Cat said. The Man complied. “You have made a continuous circle,” said the cat.“Does any point along the string appear to be different, worse or better than any other part of the string?” The Man inspected the string and then shook his head “no.” “Close your eyes again,” the Cat said.“Now lick your hand.” The Man widened his eyes in surprise. “Just do it,” the Cat said.“Lick your hand,think of me in all my familiar places, think about all the pieces of string.” The Man felt foolish, licking his hand, but he did as he was told. He discovered what a cat must know, that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more clearly. He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days. He waited for the Cat to tell him to stop,and when he didn't, he opened his eyes. The Cat's eyes were closed.The Man stroked the warm, brown fur, but the Cat was gone. The Man shut his eyes hard as the tears poured down his face. He saw the Cat on the windowsill, then in his bed, then lying across his important papers. He saw him on the pillow next to his head, saw his bright gold eyes and darkest brown on his nose and ears. He opened his eyes and through his tears looked over at the circle of string he still held clutched in his hand. One day, not long after, there was a new Cat on his lap. She was a lovely calico and white…very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very muchthe same. 男人非常伤心。

他知道猫余下的日子不多了。医生说已经没得治了,他只能把猫带回家,并尽可能地让他在剩下的时间里过得舒服些。 男人把猫放在腿上,叹了口气。猫睁开眼睛,呼噜呼噜地叫着,抬眼看了看男人。一滴眼泪从男人的脸颊边滑落,落在了猫的额头上。猫有点不高兴地看了他一眼。 “你哭个什么啊,伙计?”猫问道,“因为你无法承受将要失去我的念头?因为你认为永远都没有什么能代替我?”男人点了点头。

“是啊。” “那么你认为我离开你以后,会到什么地方去了呢?”猫问道。男人无望地耸了耸肩。“闭上眼睛吧,伙计,”猫说。男人疑惑地看了他一眼,但还是听话地闭上了眼睛。 “我的眼睛和毛皮是什么颜色的?”猫问。“你的眼睛是金色的,你的毛皮是浓郁而温暖的褐色的。”男人回答道。 “那你最常在什么地方见到我呢?”猫问。

“我经常见到你……在厨房地窗台上看鸟……在我最喜欢的椅子上……躺在桌子上我需要用的文件上……晚上睡在我脑袋边的枕头上。”“那么,无论什么时候你想见我,你只要闭上你的眼睛就可以了。”猫说。 “把地上的那段绳子捡起来——那里,我的‘玩具’。”男人睁开眼睛,伸手捡起了绳子。绳子大约有两英尺(约0.6米)长,猫曾经能够玩着绳子自娱自乐一玩就是几个小时。

“现在用两只手捏住绳子的两端。”猫命令道。男人照做了。 “你左手捏着的那端就是我的出生,而右手的那端就是我的死亡。现在把两端连在一起。”猫说道。男人又照做了。 “你做出了一个连贯的圆圈,”猫说,“这个绳子上的任意一点同其他...


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