

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语议会制辩论中的PY POI各指什么]POI: Point Of Information All speakers are expected to offer Points of Information (POIs) to their opponents. POIs are particularly important in British Parliam...+阅读

Dear school leaders, teachers, dear students: Hello, everyone! I am from the class of the Sun Jie 05. Lively and cheerful, doing things calm, resolute, to the overall situation. Today I am honored to stand here and express their long-standing wish: "I want to run for student council." I am here to solemnly promise: "I will make every effort to complete the school leaders and students to my task, so that students become a modern active groups, the school's right-hand man and the students trust the organization. " I have the discipline inspection department of the Communist Youth League will be nearly a year period, from work, I learned how interaction with others, how to learn patience, how to solve some conflicts, how to discipline and coordinate the relationship among the members of the Ministry, how to deal with good discipline inspection department and the relationship between other departments, how to mobilize all forces can be united, how to promote and use only good, how to handle the contradiction between learning and work. All this evidence: I have a competent student council post, and students have the ability to flourish. If I became a union president, I want to further improve themselves, improve their quality of all aspects, to further improve their work enthusiasm, with full enthusiasm and positive attitude towards everything; to further enhance the sense of responsibility, bold and innovative in their work, forge ahead, with an open mind to learn from others; to further solicit Yin words, do wrong to change, there are good ideas to accept, and stick to their principles. If I became a union president, I want to reform the system of students. Really be "survival of the fittest", to "clear day, week in and week end", every week of the various departments responsible for assessment, response by members of his department, noting his work in the advantages and disadvantages, with him as a friend to discuss solutions and develop the next phase of the program. Often talk with them, communicate with each other on the life and work of the views of the students do a good job and effort. Conduct of officers and the ministers and leaders often make self-criticism, self-review activities, monthly in the form of written material on file. I will often find members of various departments to understand some situations, to make the right strategic provide * assurance. Also coordinate the relationship between the various departments, unite all forces can unite and expand the student union influence and authority. If I became a union president, I will "sacrifice the campus, student services" for the purpose, really for the students services, the exercise of legal rights on behalf of the students, the campus building dedicated. In the interests of students, we adhere to the school, most of the students interests, not self-serving to the public. Students fight efforts to create a student to manage their own high degree of autonomy, reflecting the ownership groups of students. I know that no amount of words is just a brilliant moment of wisdom and passion, simple operation to open the road to success is the flowers. I think if I am elected, it must be true to its word, action must be. Please give me a confidence in the judges vote, give me a chance to display their abilities!


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