
急求一篇英语演讲题目是 luck is not a matter of chance最好三百字以

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


The Beijing Olympic Games is very exciting, also let a person look to be struck with fright. The men's 50 metre rifle three positions competition, the 04 Athens Olympic Games the last round of the wrong target to lose the gold medal Emmons again in the final round error, only split out 4.4 links, results will be the gold medal again offering to Chinese players; the men's single 10 meters Zhou Lvxin in front of five jump has been a leader, but the last jump its failure, the gold medal to Australia's Matthew? Meacham, let a person look really angry. But in the female +78 kg class final, Tong Wen by virtue of the final moments of a a Japanese player, Rick? V tin Maki won the championship, let a person feel one's blood boils with indignation. These exciting, thrilling comeback made me more than a layer of reflection.This summer vacation I read " Bacon essay ", feel have great inspiration. This involves an opportunity and problem of luck. The Olympic Games big reversal of reversal is not a good grasp of the opportunity. The a championship, it 's cooked duck, because of not stable psychological quality or excessive pressure or ego, so fly away. " The goddess of fate sends her. You don't catch, catch was a bald. " Opportunity is rare, once the opportunity to seize, or nothing, it is too late. Seize the opportunity is a kind of wisdom. For reversal are concerned, this is a kind of lucky. Opponent at the last moment errors, he landed a piece of gold, it is a kind of good luck." Bacon's essay " let me think it goes a step further. We should seize the opportunity, it is a branch of learning. When we prepared, grasp the opportunity is not so difficult. Lucky is not only lucky, lucky also exist subjective factors.这次北京奥运会十分精彩,也让人看得惊心动魄。






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