

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com


On Dreams

Dreams can be big or small. Our country's dream is the revitalization

of our motherland and the realization of the four modernizations i.e.

the modernizations of industry, agriculture, science and technology and

national defense. This is a huge dream. It needs all the Chinese to make

great efforts in bringing the dream into reality. We have been longing

for its realization for a long time. Actually it will take a dozen of years for

us to get the great dream realized.

As for the individuals, we all have different dreams. Some want to be

scientists and some want to be teachers or doctors in the future. As to me,

I want to be a writer when I graduate from the university. Writing can

become a part of my life. Through writing, I can exchange ideas with

others, bringing to light the bright and dark sides of our society.

Through reading the articles to be written by me, people can cultivate

their temperaments and raise their social morality. To achieve my dream I

will study hard, reading more books and broadening my views. As the

saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way”. As long as I firmly keep

my dream in mind, I will have it realized in the future.


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