

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[毕业联欢会主持词]毕业联欢晚会主持词 开场: (男):尊敬的各位来宾, (女): 亲爱的朋友们,大家好! (合)很高兴能与大家相聚在……(省略号代表聚会的名称)我们很荣幸能担任本次晚会的主持人。 (女):我是……, (男)我...+阅读

a:now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready? both:let's begin our grand christmas party. b:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness. a:yeah!The new year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year. b:but now,please enjoy yourselves.Tonight,we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a life time. a:Have a wonderful evening everybody. both:Merry Christmas!


求:酒店艺术节目主持词帮忙啊1-2:喜迎金猪,伴着吉祥谣,我们送走了过去的一年,接踵而来的是欢乐的将来!接下来请欣赏—— 2-3:过去一年里,有辛酸,有欢乐,接下来—— 3-4:半年后,我们又将送走一批毕业生,接下来,我们为...

元旦联欢会主持稿我在网站上为你找到一些答案,你看下合适不? (女)福鼠已临,福满骄阳,吐故纳新;金猪隐退,鼎故辞旧,万象更新。 (男)满天的雪花, 是飞舞的音符, 以思念谱成乐章, 用祝福奏出所盼, 带给你, 欢欣...

家风家训的主持稿怎么写啊提起我的家风,那就是两个字:严谨。 先说说这个“严”,意为严格也,老爸做事总是一丝不苟,追求完美。他对自己的要求严苛,对我亦是如此。拿我的作业来说吧,就算做的再好,我老爸他老人...

悠悠故乡情晚会主持1. 露从今夜白,月是故乡明,远离故土的人,总会思念自己的家乡,这是人世间美好的情感。下面请欣赏xxx带来的——《思乡曲》 2. 江水三千里,家书十五行。行行无别语,只道早还乡。下面...

毕业主持词小学的语言优美一点的甲:敬爱的老师, 乙:亲爱的同学们, 合:大家上午好! 甲:今天,我们欢聚在这里举行隆重的小学毕业典礼。回想六年前,我们还是稚嫩的娃娃,可今天,我们已经成为了—— 合:光荣的小学毕业生! 乙:...

给我几篇生日晚会主持词 17岁同学生日我是在网上找的,双人,不知道合不合适呢?生日晚会主持词晚会首先由(主持)致欢迎词 男主持: 尊敬的女士们、先生们,各位来宾、各位朋友:晚上好! 首先,我代表xxxx和xxxx热忱欢迎各位光临x...

初中水平英文演讲稿内容积极向上)Keep Your Direction 坚持你的方向 What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your directi...

圣诞晚会英语主持开始: 合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party! Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky, Girl: With the Christmas carols...

求一份圣诞节活动英语主持稿开场白 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good evening! It's a special occasion. I feel thrilled to speak here. Christmas Day and New Year are coming. May I wish you all a m...
