

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求简短的课前三分钟演讲稿]⒈雨披 五岁的汉克和爸爸妈妈哥哥一起到森林干活,突然间下起雨来,可是他们只带了一快雨披。爸爸将雨披给了妈妈,妈妈给了哥哥,哥哥给了汉克,汉克问道:“为什么爸爸给了妈妈,妈妈给...+阅读

难忘的节日 我们的节日是丰富多彩的。在众多的节日中,圣诞节对我而言是特殊而又难忘的。圣诞节到了,又是一年过去了。虽然圣诞节不是中国的传统节日,吃不到佳肴,听不见鞭炮,但它在我们的心目中仍酝酿出一股温馨和甜蜜。记得往年,我总爱将自己最喜爱的一些小玩意整理出来送给我最要好的朋友,卷起圣诞节的欢快旋风,给亲人朋友都带来欣喜。



” “千里送鹅毛,礼轻情义重”,伙伴的心是炙热的,我也该敞开我的心扉去感受、学习这份友情。啊,在西方人的节日里,居然获得了东方人的独特感受,不能不是圣诞节中的一个特殊收获吧!Unforgettable holiday Our festival is rich and varied. Among the many festivals, Christmas for me is a special and memorable.By Christmas, but also a year has passed. Although Christmas is not a traditional Chinese holiday, eat less food, hear firecrackers, but we still brewed in the eyes of a warm and sweet. I remember in previous years, I would love to own some of the most popular gadgets to the sorting out my best friend, roll up the cheerful Christmas Tornado, friends, loved ones to bring joy.Christmas morning, the students face filled with the joy of excitement, we happily hand in hand came to the school. I have prepared a small gift to the "Steamed Bun", "Maomao", I think it's sincere friendship and how important it is valuable. In the school, we all fully air to glance right and left, and some in the chat happily, and some walked up and down, brought laughter to the classroom, a jubilation. I do the preparatory work for it very thoroughly, it should be perfectly safe, and I feel pleased but not show a mind can not think of it all was a cunning "fox" see. Her eyes that see all my eyes, "stealthy" move.After a while, someone passed me a note to Zhang: "bag of unidentified objects, please take a look at the players Zhanyi Jie, 'Laser' wiped out!" I have read, almost laughing, and then double bag And come up with a greeting card, was pleased to read in the following: "Merry Christmas! Old classmates, meet for many years, it is better to come to a blessing. Today, I say hello to you on behalf of everyone, I wish you a happy childhood spent. One day, I If successful, it should be thanks to the strong backing it - friendship. ""Goose feather sent thousands of miles, courtesy light weight friendship," the partnership is the heart of the hot, I open the heart to my feelings of friendship to learn this. Ah, in the West festival, was actually a unique Asian experience, not Christmas is not a special harvest it!


大学课堂上两分钟的演讲稿感恩是一种精神,它让我们感知发现世界的美好,远离并忘却人生中的悲伤和痛苦。 懂得感恩是一种幸福。当用真诚,奉献甚至牺牲去帮助他人时,你内心平静而充实,因为你心怀感恩,放下了...

求大学生课前五分钟演讲稿道声文明,微不足道,却传递着一个伟大的信息: 文明。 文明,这个词大家都不陌生,从人类伊始,不管是东方的盘古开天地女娲造人的神话,还是西方夏娃亚当诺亚方舟的传说, 或是人类从原始...

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激扬青春放飞梦想演讲稿海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。每个人都怀揣着一个属于自己的梦想。 然而,什么是梦?什么又是梦想?梦是期待,而梦想是坚强--是你把飘渺的梦坚持作为自己理想的勇气和执著,是你对自己负责...


38妇女节英语演讲稿Darling Mother: Hello! This is my first writing you, I do not know what feelings you look after. From me or the baby until now, all the time you dedicate to me,...
