
the good dinosaur的观后感英文

02月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[电影大卫科波菲尔观后感]真爱 ——《大卫·科波菲尔》读后感 读了《大卫·科波菲尔》这本书后,我发现这本书吸引我的不止是那跌宕起伏的故事情节,还有贯穿全文的感情线。从大卫的母亲克拉拉小姐和摩德...+阅读

today i watched a movie called Jurassic Park.It is simply my favourite movie ever.It has everything action,suspense,thrills and even a little romance thrown in for good measure.I first saw the movie at the age of 6 and was a big dinosaur fan so it obviously was very appealing but even then I could feel there was so much more to this movie than the great visual effects and mighty dinosaurs.No this was a movie with a message and one that since my first viewing I have always been thoughtful about.The issue in the film is cloning.Instead of providing you with a plot synopsis I will just say watch the movie.There is no excuse not to.Some scenes worth a mention however are the road side attack in which a Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex for short attacks a land Rover with two children in it.That scene was more scary than anything in the exorcist or some of the other horror rubbish that is spewed out today.The Raptors in the kitchen sequence is also nail biting stuff.


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