

02月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[暮光之城英语观后感高一水平]《暮光之城》 Twilight (转载地) 我给你删减完了,你要是还觉得多的话,我再给你弄弄。If you're a vampire, it's all about you. Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point o...+阅读

经常看看,特别是考试前,就要及时记下来,买个小一点的便利贴,有陌生的单词就写在上面把你试卷上 作业本上的错题,你认为有必要纠错的题目,或者是错了一遍还错的题目,有空就拿出来看一下,回家查词典, 抄完了再把试卷 练习等收起来,不看原来的答案,再做一遍,随身带的那种,最好还要有笔的,把单词词组句型什么的写在上面,有效果的~ 还有记不住单词的同学.(最好是隔几天做,效果好) 写好了再与原来的正确答案对一下. 逐渐积累,最好列一个树状图,将重点内容记下,把重点句型句式写下来.(不需要全部都做,你认为经典的题做一下就好了~节省时间~)做错了的话,还要继续纠错哦~还有就是要在考试前经常看看纠错集,老师在讲的时候.有效果哦~ 英语笔记的话,就是可以那一个小一点的本子,或者问老师,题目抄在本子上


暮光之城的英语观后感"Twlight"is talked about a romantic between a human and a vampire. Human girl Bella fall in love with a vampire named Edward who is both handsame and wise. Althou...

暮光之城读后感:用英语100 120词This is the song used in the scene in which Edward and Bella are dancing. 这首歌出现在贝拉和爱德华最后跳舞的那个场景。 I love it because it sounds so warm, calm...


火影忍者的英语观后感100字In every student's mind, there is a favourite cartoon, which, I especially like "Naruto".在每个同学的心目中,都有一部自己最最喜爱的动画片,其中,我特别喜欢《火影忍者》...

求神探夏洛克3英语影评Sherlockknows the importance of Mrs. Magnussen is not usual kind of Sherlock's puzzle. The behavior he didis not just killing. It'san apology. The promise he ma...

我最喜欢的电视剧神探夏洛克英语作文My favorite TV show is detective sherlock. Sherlock is a detective, he and his partner Watson solved many odd case. He is very clever and have a keen mind. Dete...

l robot电影观后感英语作文100字左右I enjoyed the movie "I, Robot". The plot was exciting, although the concept was not very original. However, one of the things I liked about this movie was the way...

英语读观后感 300词以上最好中英对照As we all know, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (kongfz.com)is a famous detective novels, which is composed by many stories of Sherlock Holmes. Adventure ⅡThe Yello...

英语简短60词写夏洛克的网观后感Impressions after reading Charlotte's Web Charlotte's Web is a wonderful and entertaining book,which written by E B.White.It mainly talks about the friendship b...
