

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[为自己喝彩作文]人生路上,坎坎坷坷一路走来,风风雨雨、跌跌撞撞每个人都会经历。如果你想坚强地走下去,就必须学会为自己喝彩! 那人生路上,一件小事仍让我记忆犹新。那是在小学三年级的时候,学校...+阅读

英文:Often hear people say embarrassing tastes bad. But in the end is what taste, I used to feel. But after going through it, I truly realized that it cannot be described in words "awkward ". At that time, I took the bus to Wuxi children's Palace dance lessons, catching up with passenger peak. To tell the truth, not to learn dance, I really don't willing to squeeze the crowded car ... ... Oh, come on! Finally get on the car, with the flow of people, I finally found a shelter. Hold the handrail, people difficult to stand. Look, stood beside me is an old woman: she is carrying a parcel, blushed, was gasping for air. I saw her a little stand, want to help her, but his standing among them, incapable of action. Look, the old grandma side seats, sat a junior high school student like person, his ears stuffed with headphones, chewing gum, is " appreciate " the scenery outside the window, as in the car all has nothing to do with him. The car in the running, suddenly come to a halt, grandmother did not take a firm, a reel down on the junior high school student body. The junior high school student body will be removed, pretend nothing happened to like, and turned her head toward the window, his feet are still on the beat. At this time, the old grandma reluctantly stood up, sighed ... ... The car journey, at the people in the car as the car shake, as in the yangko dance, left to right. Suddenly, the lights were red, " said -- " the car is pulled up all of a sudden. Granny fell down to the junior high school student body. This time, junior high school students can be anxious, staring eyes, the hand will be grandma pushed past, old grandma nearly fell ... ... I really can't go on to junior high school students, said: " old grandmother stood so uncomfortable, you not only not seat, even pushing her? Too ... ... " But before I finish, old grandma said: " it is I who made my grandson sitting there, your child will really nosy! " " Ah? " At this time, I was surprised and embarrassed ... ... But I can't interfere? Suddenly, I found that all the people on the bus gave me a strange look. My face turned red, feel the car slowly, time like solidified, I hate to seek seam drilling ... ... Finally the station! Before the car came to a complete stop, I have swiftly ran down ... ... Although this matter has been the past few days, but every time I think of it, I felt so awkward ... ... okok



作文为自己喝彩为 自 己 喝 彩 不管在学习上,还是在日常生活中,遇到困难,我总对自己说:“我能行!” 那年,我已三年级了。虽然家里有自行车,可是一点也不会骑,当看到别的同学潇洒骑着车从我身旁驶过...

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学习电脑体会作文800字这学期.我们学的是现代教育技术.上课的第一节,我们学的是教育技术的概述.... 回想这节课:那应该是我们第一次接触到这个类的计算机内容吧.之前的大一的学习中我们学计算机基础...
