

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[呼啸山庄读后感英语的哈]“Howls Mountain village” the author to introduce amy Li. The brown treats, Emily Bronte,1818~1848, English female writers, Xia Luodi younger sister of the ·...+阅读

Adventures of Tom Sawyer "is the American writer Mark Twain to the United States as the main body of juvenile life written.The story of the historical background,is the nineteenth century,the Mississippi River in St.Petersburg in the United States.Tom the hero story is a naive,lively and naughty typical American teenager.He and Wild Child Shack,the stem is laugh a lot of wonderful things.Tom to paint the wall like a fine,the trick has facilities,so that other children will not only willing to replace him work,but also automatically offer Xie.Shack later and fled to a desert island,it is thought that they drowned,was held at the church for their funeral,and they are hiding in the church bell tower on the eavesdropping.Those naughty moves,although we can not give a model,but he to justice,took out a witness to come forward to save the innocent criminals foam.While in the naughty,and even cracked a Shack murder become the admiration of the little hero.It appears that Tom is also a place worthy of our study.Always a great president,in addition to height long high,a strong body,the person's thinking is also long.You view the world different,thoughtful,and is no longer naive.But becoming a good person is to be.Adventure must not like that in the very cruel and ruthless villain,he did a bad thing to do,hate everyone.But in the end,he was evil,to be starved to death in a cave at the end.After reading the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer," I really envy Tom to have such an interesting experience.It seems this book with relish,and even sleepless nights.I would like to,"Adventures of Tom Sawyer" In a time when you may be bored smile solution allows you to worry about 1000


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白雪公主和七个小矮人英语读后感六年级This story tells us that evil can not overcome are just very powerful force for justice,and all evil will be defeated.In life are the coexistence of evil and ju...

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