

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《红与黑》读后感]小说梗概: 《红与黑》是司汤达的长篇小说中最优秀的最有代表性的作品之一。它展示了十九世纪三十年代法国社会的广阔图景,涉及了从法国外省到首都巴黎的许多方面的生活风情;上...+阅读

1楼网址上的英文简介文理不通,是机器翻译的啊。晕。 【内容介绍】 The Red and the Black has been hailed as the first great 'realist'novel of the nineteenth century, offering a lively and detailed picture of social and political life in the provinces and in Paris towards the end of the 1820s, the close of the stifling reactionary period of the Bourbon Restoration. Stendhal himseff claimed that no one before him had ventured to portray with such verisimilitude the 'moral and morose" France of 1830. However, 'moral and morose' his novel is definitely not. Ironic, fast-moving, entertaining and incisive in its social criticism, it is a novel of ambition and passion, of indignation and tenderness, of polemic and poetry, which speaks to us today, as clearly as it did to the author's contemporaries, of the heights, depths and idiocies of which our human nature is capable or culpable. 这个应该没问题,就是太简略了点,看看是否合用吧



红与黑读书笔记从最早的慕名看书,到坚持看书,再到被内容吸引而无法自拔的去看书,一本《红与黑》,让我对其产生了三种看书的感受。 慕名看书是因为这是一本世界名著,法国作家司汤达所著。次数被...

红与黑有感红与黑有感 (一) 如果一个人生到这个世界恰好是一个男人的话,那就应该为他的野心而奋斗,哪怕这种奋斗要以生命为代价。于连——文学名著《红与黑》中的主人公,文学长...

红与黑英文版读后感红与黑英文版读后感 (一) Read the red and black "is a time too long process, because time already ge writers and works most selfless and impartial judge, I like re...

红与黑》读书笔记摘抄1、每个人的心底都有一座坟墓,是用来埋葬所爱的人的。 2、人们做着最残忍的事,却没有残忍的精神。 3、谦卑地聆听那些让人站着都能睡着的蠢话。 4、在错误面前,个性是那么渺小...

读书笔记之《红与黑红与黑》读书笔记一 小说《红与黑》出版至今已有200年左右的历史了,为什么在这风云变幻的200年中小说仍可以经久不衰?原因在于小说不仅十分成功地塑造了于连· 索黑尔这个...

红与黑英文读后感红与黑英文读后感 (一) Red and Black introduces to us about how does a carpenter's son grow into a star from ordinary. The biography of the heroine Julien even tol...

红与黑》读书笔记红与黑》读书笔记(一) 徜徉《红与黑》的海洋,我对主人公于连的美丽与哀愁深有所思。于连非常聪明,可以把《圣经》倒背如流,并以此向别人炫耀,妄想占据别人心目中一席地位,但命...

