[大闹天宫读后感500字]大闹天宫读后感500字 (一) 寒假,我读了《西游记》这本书,其中给我印象最深的是第五—七回:孙悟空大闹天宫。 《孙悟空大闹天宫》主要讲了孙悟空扰乱蟠桃会,偷吃美味珍馐,琼浆...+阅读
When did the last time you had the feel ing while watching a Bollywood movie t hat you are watching the best film ever and then suddenly after the movie gets over you start to get mixed feelings abo ut the movie you saw. Admit it; it has fr equently been this way. And then what do you do, you go to watch the movie r epeatedly to reinstate your earlier feeli ng about the movie. The hysteria and in vincibility that Bollywood makers mana ge to create in their storytelling, is what makes it so special. '3 Idiots' is the lates t of such hysterical movie with such aur a around it.
Rajkumar Hirani's lates
观《三傻大闹宝莱坞》有感他始终活学活用,不拘小节,却又重哥们义气。在学习中,从不像一个机器而死记硬背,反而是在享受。 故事的最后才揭晓,兰彻的真名是苏克·旺度,曾是一个富人家的小佣人,从小酷爱...
三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感三傻大闹宝莱坞观后感 (一) 这是我第一次对电影做一个发自内心的观后感,内心被深深地打动了。看着俗不可耐的电影名字——《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,原本对它没有抱很大的期...
美丽人生英文观后感 80字左右初中水平词语越简单越好"Life is beautiful",is a film about that brief period of Nazi rule in Italy due to which many ordinary Jewish people had to endure enormous hardships.Although it...
歌舞青春3的观后感英文的 80字When I first saw this movie,I was attracted by its worderful songs.It told about a boy and a girl who were in love faced a problem about gruduation,that meant t...
英文观后感80字 80字左右就可以了KuangFu Panda is an interesting movie.First,Po is a big panda,he is very fat,but he has his own dream.Po want's to be a Great master,to save people in bad life...
西游记大闹天宫读后感400字一定要是大闹天宫的暑假,我读了《西游记》,这本书主要讲了:唐僧带着三个徒弟,去西天取经,路上,经历99八十一难,终于取得真经,修成正果。这本书告诉我们:做事就不要怕辛苦,坚持不懈就一定会成功。 在《西...
暮光之城英文观后感80字左右I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was l...