[写一篇不少于200字的读书笔记怎么写啊]《蓝狼的故事》读书笔记 当我们尝到一份美妙的食物时,比如我们小朋友都喜欢的KFC,每当新出食品时,请好朋友一起品尝,看到好朋友吃得津津有味的样子,你的心情又是如何? 假期我读了...+阅读
Midway through the composition of this essay, I came across Jenny Kwok's well-researched writings on the genesis and phenomenon of Zhang Yimou's Hero (2004). In particular, her insight into the Chinese folkloric “wu xia” or chivalrous-swordsman fiction presents a fertile angle for criticism of this genre within the poetic (as opposed to sensationalistic) aspect of Hero's martial arts choreography, framing and editing. Often, Zhang favors close-ups or a series of closer shots of the physical action instead of wide angles –used to show off physics-defying acrobatic firsts– because the martial arts function to a greater degree as metaphors. Nonetheless, an examination of this particular genre is beyond the scope of my essay, so Kwok's analysis of Hero from the “wu xia” angle will more than suffice for now. This essay also forgoes comments on the all-star cast and the Hong Kong actors' infrequent but detectable slips in their Mandarin accent. Another rain check goes to a critique of the imperfect CG special effects displayed in the Zhao-siege long shots, as compared to say a costlier Ridley Scott Hollywood epic. Furthermore, due to the dualist nature of the filmmakers' intentions –of a blockbuster for the world and a culture-conscious film– Hero's technical merit, both in its narrative structure and metaphorical showmanship, elevates it to a contemporary masterpiece, not a timeless work of art. Observations of this dualism is again credited to Jenny Kwok's writings from her paper “Hero: China's response to Hollywood globalization.”我只能写这么多,不知道够不够
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任选一个角度写一篇不少于800字的作文回答于:2011-9-18 12:45:00 孩子在学业上学不好,或者害怕学习,躲避,或者由于种种原因无法达到老师或家长的要求,这些家长们有没有好好想想,为什么?难道是自己孩子不聪明?难道是孩子...