

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com


background,意为:背景,背景色。音标,/ˈbækˌɡraʊnd / 例句 The acetylation of histones plays very important role in expression of gene.

研究背景:组蛋白乙酰化修饰在基因表达调控中有非常重要的作用和意义。 yearn /jɜːn/ yearning,yearned,yearns

If someone yearns for something that they are unlikely to get, they want it very much. 渴望


He yearned for freedom.

他曾渴望自由。 desperate 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的 /ˈdɛspərɪt/ If you are desperate, you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to try anything to change it. 不顾一切的


Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need.



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