

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇300左右的观后感什么都行]读弟子规有感 《弟子规》也许在我们大家还牙牙学语的时候就接触过了吧,《弟子规》中的每一个字都蕴藏着极其深刻的道理,是我们如今不得不去把它理解的更透彻。 孔子用简简单单...+阅读

英语观后感什么作文都行 80字以上

This film tells us a story about how a common panda becomes a real dragon warrior.

At the beginning,the Master Shifu did not believe that the panda can be a courageous dragon warrior.

Through the panda's persistence,he win Master Shifu's acceptance.

Master Shifu tries his best to train the panda into a real warrior according to Master Wugu's instruction.

Finally,the panda succeeded in beating their biggest enemy -----the tiger.

This movie tells us that:every difficulty can be overcome as long as you tried your utmost persistently.


I just got back from seeing The Aviator with Leonardo diCaprio as Howard Hughes. I believe Leonardo has gotten a bum rap as an actor for some time. I liked him in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. I thought he was perfectly cast in Catch Me if You Can. And whatever else you say about Titanic, his part as Jack Dawson will go down in history. But as eccentric inventor/businessman/aviator Hughes, diCaprio should be awarded an Oscar.

The film runs a bit long, but were we not needing to get home to the babysitter, I would have liked to seen a bit more. Hughes' life is absolutely fascinating, if not sad. Covering approximately 20 years of his life, The Aviator is heavy on dialogue and relationships. It is also a bit creepy as we get to experience what I can only assume is a form of schizophrenia through the eyes of Howard Hughes.

The story of the crazed entrepreneur is a bit reminiscent of Citizen Kane, but Martin Scorsese adds a great deal more life to this film. From Hughes battles with Hollywood to his vision for bigger, faster airplanes to his relationships with Kathryn Hepburn (Cate Blanchett) and Ava Gardner (Kate Beckinsale) to his confrontation with the corrupt Senator Brewster (Alan Alda) in congressional committee hearings designed to destroy Hughes, his life plays out as a triumphant and sad sweeping epic.

The Aviator has a lot of profanity, but I highly recommend it as a profile into the mind of a great American whose contributions have had a lasting impact on our culture.

用英语写一篇电影观后感 80字用上一般现在时

《水浒传》讲述了以宋江为首的一百零八个好汉从聚义梁山泊,到受朝廷招安,再到大破辽兵,最后剿灭叛党,却遭奸人谋害的英雄故事。读完全书,忠、义二字在我脑海里挥之不去。 忠,是对自己的祖国,对自己身边的亲人,朋友尽心竭力。宋江在种种威逼利诱之下,仍然对自己的祖国忠心耿耿,这就是忠;林冲的妻子在林冲被逼上梁山之后,对高俅之子的凌辱,宁死不屈,最终上吊自杀,这也是忠。 义,包括了两个方面:一百零八个好汉为兄弟朋友赴汤蹈火,两肋插刀,这是义;为人民除暴安良,出生入死,也是义。 要无愧于“义”字,要有相当的勇气,甚至要有一命换一命的决心。 能做到“义”的人,就是一个精神高尚的人。古今中外有多少英雄好汉,舍生取义。难道是他们不怕死吗?他们为了“义”字,为了真理就可以奋不顾身了。

一个不信奉“义”字的人,是不会理解这些的。 除了敬佩故事中体现的忠、义二字之外,我对故事中的一些情景还略感不仁。武松,他为兄报仇,杀了嫂嫂与西门庆;还有他血溅鸳鸯楼,把气撒到了别人身上,连看马的也不放过……毕竟是一条人命,人的生命是多么宝贵啊,即使他嫂嫂做了出轨的事情,也不必用性命以偿吧。还有那看马的老头与武松无怨无仇,有这样滥杀无辜的必要吗? 故事里体现的忠、义二字固然可歌可泣,但是,在现在的法制社会里,像武松那样凡事用武力解决的方法是不可取的。因此,由于时代的变迁,我们只能用欣赏的角度去看这本书,万万不可盲目地学习其中的处事方法。 以下为翻译: The story in the marshes from McLntyre headed sung river bawcock JuYi LiangShanBo, to suffer court ZhaoAn, again arrive large break liao army, finally destroy, but they were a schemer against the heroic story. Read the book, loyal, righteousness 2 words in my mind, lingering aftertaste. Loyal, is to oneself of the motherland, to oneself side struggling with relatives and friends. Sung river in a variety of questioning under, still loyal to his motherland, this is loyal, LinChong wife in LinChong is of high Qiu after revolt, son of insults rather die than surrender, eventually commit suicide by hanging suicide, this also is unfaithful. Righteousness, include two aspects: McLntyre bawcock for brothers friend to go through fire and water, this is the best Pal righteousness: For the people ChuBaoAnLiang, stopping, also is righteousness. To worthy "righteousness" words, should have quite a bit of courage, even to have a life for a life of determination. Can do "righteousness", is a man of noble spirit. How many prodect hero, shi. Is it not afraid dead? They to "righteousness" word, in order to truth can be desperate. One does not believe "righteousness" word, won't understand these. But to admire story reflects loyal, righteousness two words, I told the story beyond some of the scenario is slightly feeling unfeeling. Wu song, his brother, and slew vengeance for elder brother's wife and west door; And his blood spattered YuanYangLou, turn their anger to others, even a look at horse also don't pass... After all is a man, a man's life is how precious ah, even if he did sister-in-law derailed thing, also don't have to use life for yourself! Still have that watching horse man with wu3 song have no rancor, have such innocents necessary? Stories reflect the loyal, righteousness two word is ordeal.their deeds, but, in the present legal society, so all things like wu3 song by force solution is not advisable. Thus, due to the changes of The Times, we can only use appreciation perspective on the book, absolutely not blindly learning one way of doing things.


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