

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[暮光之城英文读后感]暮光之城英文读后感 If you’re a vampire, it’s all about you. Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella Swan? Because she smel...+阅读



I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burkewas low key and excellecntly potrayed Bella's father. Kristen Stewartdid a decent job, and I have to say that despite his severely sculpted eyebrows, I liked Rob Pattinson 's portrayal of Edward Cullen.There were quite a few moments of unexpected humor in the film that I enjoyed. Nothing huge just little things that were enough to actually make me laugh out loud (which some comedies this year didn't manage to make me do). However, for a non-fan, it was really a pretty bland film. It seemed very slow-moving at times, and let's face it – it's a pretty cheesy teen romance movie. There wasn't anything really special here other than the fact that it had vampires.




Yesterday, I went to see the movie that named Twilight.It is a very cool. Stephanie Meyer that author writes four books,then filmed.The first book is Twilight.I am very glad to watch it.

From the movie I recognize love is no limited.Our life alway have different kinds of people ,but that is not a vampire.They includ the beatiful girls ,clever boys and kind-hearted all.At the same time Twilight also deliver dangerous and dark aroud us.

On the other hand ,the movie give me a good rest during my weekday. As a whole we focus next movie attention on New Moon.Every one can love it in your heart.

I think you can do it by youself with a wet finger. A za.gays.


Seventeen year old Bella moves from sunny Phoenix to rainy Forks, Washington, but the new school is the least of her troubles. She soon finds herself attracted to a mysterious boy who seems to be infuriated by her mere presence. Soon, however, the truth comes out and the two become inseparable. Bella never dreamed she'd fall in love, let alone with a vampire named Edward. Throughout the novel, he fights to save her, from himself and from others. Those who will enjoy this novel most are teens and adults looking for a good fantasy and adolescent romance. This is the novel that took Harry Potter's place on the best seller's list. The world of magic and wizards may very well be replaced with the world of vampires created by Stephenie Meyer in her Twilight Saga. In this first novel of the trilogy, named after the saga, the world of vampires is introduced. I personally enjoyed the fantasy elements and the world of vampires. Meyer creates a few new ideas around the myth of the vampire that stray from the traditional. My only problem was with the pacing of the novel. I waited through the entire thing for something to happen. The first 500 pages or so is a nearly day-to-day account of Bella's teenage life, and that got a bit repetitive and boring to me. The last 50 pages, though, were intense and suspenseful. Yet when I finished reading "Twilight," I wanted to continue on to the next in the series. The end of the novel made me want to continue reading to find out what happens with the characters I came to know well in the first novel. I think fans of Young Adult novels or adolescent romances will enjoy this, particularly if they like a bit of fantasy. Meyer manages to create a fantastical world in a very real way. It's a YA novel first, and a fantasy second. If you're a fa


有暮光之城英文读后感I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was l...

暮光之城英文观后感80字左右I think the stars and supporting cast did a really great job. Bella's friends were engaging, funny and they played their roles very naturally. Billy Burke was l...

暮光之城英文观后感Yesterday, I went to see the movie that named Twilight.It is a very cool. Stephanie Meyer that author writes four books,then filmed.The first book is Twilight.I...

暮光之城英文简评要短 100字左右谢了最佳答案检举 Twilight is the debut, young-adult vampire-romance novel[3][4] by author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents,[5] but beca...

求暮光之城英语观后感Yesterday, I went to see the movie that named Twilight.It is a very cool. Stephanie Meyer that author writes four books,then filmed.The first book is Twilight.I...

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求暮光之城的读后感暮光之城》读后感 当一个人类对吸血鬼说“我要和你永远在一起”。这样的爱情早已超越了人世的情愫~没有现实,没有伤害,没有一切凡事的纷扰。 一个只吃动物血完好控制自己的吸...

求暮光之城读后感一篇暮色读后感 偶然在网上看到了它的电影宣传,便耐着心看完了,当时就觉得这部片子很好看,于是就迷上了暮光之城。 终于在朋友的帮助下,两天后我就足不出户的买到了这部系列小说的前...

