

04月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com



This is an epic movie, in this materialistic society full of money, the supremacy of the interests of society, Forrest Gump, as one of the most simple prototype, with the most essential of the most simple human nature for people to set a time not consistent with this , but it should be this era's most treasured image. From birth to the success of Forrest Gump with the ordinary people experienced the same process, but his fate is different from ordinary people, but the innate simplicity of Forrest Gump has a good heart forever. Both in his ordinary life or in the flames of war swirling in the era of A GAN always one of the most simple heart with the face of all this. It can discard their own lives to rescue his partner, even if the partners have soul has gone into heaven. It can be, regardless of danger to rescue its own Executive, even if the The Executive has lost his legs. He also has been confused and puzzled too, for his love, he was desperate, though he does not know that the so-called love. but he has always been willing to follow the well-being of the essence - good ! So he had his own love, have their own partners, who have derided him, finally had to for his great and impressed. Forrest Gump is a very obedient child, he heard his mother, he always said - my mother said, so he plans a simple life as a box of chocolates, this is all its wisdom. He madding crowd, is to strive to do their own should do its part, he do not hurt anyone, even if the hurt is still in good face. The beginning of film, that feathers more or less describes the thrust of the film can also feathers floating in the wind, no one knew we would be aiming for, but the feather is always white, no matter how far he flew flew long. What remains unchanged is his spotless white. Forrest Gump is unfortunate, it's life is full of God's injustice, let him with the ordinary people could not be starker. But God has given to this has been known as "fools" the unfortunate child a gift, that is, one no matter how many trained Baptism and the frustration still be perfectly clean heart. Agam is strong, and his mother left to face the face of his wife's death, with a happy dilute their own tragedy. Forrest Gump is a brave and swirling in the face of bullets, he In order to hold regardless of everything, Agam is trustworthy, in order to once a promise, he wishes his late friend finally become a reality. Forrest Gump is persistent, and he, to his own love and goodness, never did not go to hurt any one man, so God off the "Fool" gifts than his misfortune to be much luckier. The success of Forrest Gump, his wisdom does not lie in how smart, how great is no longer just because he is always sinking, heart good. Because he has the good nature of a firm, firm the good direction. A white feather, wind Piaowu, no matter how many places in flying, is still perfectly clean.


To be honest, I've never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire! Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesn't lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just can't ,but either way, this shows us don't need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful. It is just a movie, so maybe it doesn't work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition that's what a good movie should be able to do. 老实说,我从没看过有人喜欢《阿甘正传》电影之前。

阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人低智商和肌肉的问题,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功,在做任何事情。但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄,后来一个百万富翁! 福勒斯特•甘普不仅分享他的天真和纯度与其他国家,他还设法保留无罪,通过一些非常艰难的时期。我爱福勒斯特,他不会失去他的纯洁通过电影,也许他只是不能,但不管怎样,这说明我们不需要的邪恶或真正聪明的是公认的、成功。 这只不过是一部电影,所以也许这工作不像在现实。一个简单的意思是演技和故事,这部电影有高水平的像真实的。在我的定义,那是一部好电影,应该能够做的。


Gump, gifted with a low IQ which lets him be adorably childlike even as he grows up, leads a very charmed life: a mother who loves him immensely and who sleeps with the school principal in order to make sure her child has the best education, a miraculous incident that eliminates the need for him to have braces for his legs, a childhood girlfriend who remains faithful to him till the end, surviving Vietnam with a medal, and, in general, a propensity for turning everything that happens to him into good. I wonder what the movie is trying to say. From one perspective, it implies that intelligence (as measured by IQs and the general idea of what "smart" is) is a very unnecessary trait. But I think one can look beyond that and say that childlike innocence, which can be considered stupid, has its rewards. Throughout the movie, Gump is in situations where he is harassed by other people but he never takes offense (except, of course, when his girl Jenny is being abused) at any of the insults thrown at him. He is indeed not completely stupid, even though he is portrayed as such, since he can re-assemble guns at high speed, run like crazy, play ping-pong like a maniac, and so on. The fact that Gump doesn't take offense, I think, is what keeps him content. He becomes a millionaire, but gives most of the money away. He is honest and open and this, along with his Alabama accent, endears him to the audience. But this gets tiresome after a while (especially after 2 hours). I thought the movie was overly long, but that's the only negative thing I have to say. Gump rubs elbows with many famous personalities over the last half of the century including Elvis Presley and Nixon, thanks to computer technology (General Dan doesn't really lose his legs either---they are just erased and the background is then touched up by using computer graphics programs). The account of how Gump is responsible for the gyrations that is so characteristic of Presley is very telling of the motives of this movie. Gump is contrasted to the famous males, who are idols (in some cases) in today's society, and it appears as though he is better off in comparison: Gump's choices in life seem to determine his niceness (he goes to Vietnam, keeps his promises ("a promise is a promise") 是这样的吧 不知道写的对不对 呵呵


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