

05月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[班主任一定要有教育情怀]班主任一定要有教育情怀 作者:邹文悦 班主任的工作是一项艰辛而光荣的工作,他面对的是育人的工作,是要把青少年培养成德智体全面发展的人。培养人的工作,比做其他任何一项工作都...+阅读


这本书果然深深地吸引住了我,我连续三天“废寝忘食”地看。就对《哈利·波涛与魔法石》里的情节、内容,人物更有了喜爱之心,这本书使我产生了佷大的感触。This book was deeply attracted me, I spent three days "and" look。 On "Harry Postro and the Sorcerer's stone" in the plot, content, characters are more like the heart, this book made me feel very big。 书中讲了主人公——小男孩哈利。波涛自从失去父母之后,神秘地出现在姨父姨妈家的门前。他在姨父家饱受欺凌,度过十年极其痛苦的日子。但是在哈利十一岁生日那天,信使猫头鹰带来了一份神秘的信,邀请哈利去一个永远难忘的,不可思议的地方——霍格沃茨魔法学校上学。 在魔法学校,哈利找到了朋友,还学会了空中飞行,得到了一件隐形衣……可是魔法学校里有一块奇观的魔法石,杀害哈利的恶魔千方百计地想得到它。

哈利探明情况后,与朋友们一起进入那个埋藏魔法石的地穴,打败了恶魔。The book tells of the hero -- little boy Harry。 The waves have mysteriously appeared at the door of their aunts and uncles since they lost their parents。 He had been bullied at his uncle's house for ten years, a period of great pain。 But on Harry's eleven birthday, Messenger owl brought a mysterious letter asking Harry to go to Hogwarts, a magical place that never forgot。 At the magic school, Harry found a friend, learned how to fly in the air, and got an invisibility cloak。。。。。。 But there was a magical stone in the school of magic, killing the demons of Harry and trying to get it。 Harry discovered the situation, together with the friends in the burial stone crypt, defeated the devil。这本书的想象合适,适合我们少年儿童小学生们看。 《哈利·波涛与魔法石》真是一本好书。

This book has the right imagination for our children and school children。 "Harry Postro and the Sorcerer's stone" is really a good book。


Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. The central story arc concerns Harry's struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world, after which he seeks to subjugate the Muggle (non-magical) world to his rule.


对于写影评的作文我不是很擅长,但这篇作文可能能够帮到您,希望您能够采纳,很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步,谢谢。Harry Potter series are my most favorite books.There are seven books in total.Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift.When I first read them, I liked them inmediately.The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous.Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties.Besides, I admire him having two good friends.They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are.I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end.哈利波特系列是我最喜欢的书,总共有七部。去年,我爸爸给我买了它们作为新年礼物。当我第一次读的时候,我马上就喜欢上它们了。

哈利波特的故事是如此的令人激动和冒险。哈利波特是一个善良,勇敢和坚强的孩子,他任何困难都不怕。除此之外,我很羡慕他有两个好朋友。他们总是帮助他,不管他遇到多糟的情况都对他不离不弃。我很高兴哈利波特克服了所有困难,最终过上了幸福的生活。 ——来自{yh3057}英语牛人团...


Pure Magic This movie is a delight for those of all ages. I have seen it several times and each time I am enchanted by the characters and magic. The cast is outstanding, the special effects delightful, everything most believable. You have young Harry, a mistreated youth who is "Just Harry" to himself. And then, he embarks on a most beautiful adventure to the Hogwarts school. He meets Ron and Hermione, one an adorable mischief maker, the other a very tense and studious young lady. Together, the trio try to set things right in the school. It's the ultimate fantasy for young and old.



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