

07月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[返老还童读后感]返老还童读后感 (一) 《返老还童》这部电影可以说得上是一部史诗级的巨片。它所讲述的故事构思非常精巧——一个人反向的人生。我们都知道,人的正常生长规律是从小到...+阅读


sometimes we're on a crazying course,and we just don't know it.Whatever it's by accident or by designed,there's none of things we can do about.A woman in Paris was on the way to go shopping,but she forgot her coat,went back to get it,when she got the coat the phone rang,so she stopped and answered it,and talked a couple of minutes,why the woman was on the phone,Daisy wsh rehearsing for the performance of the Paris opera house,and why she was rehearsing,the woman off the phone now and go outside to get a taxi.Now the taxi driver droped off earlier and stoped to get a cup of coffee ,and all the while Daisy was rehearsing,and this cap draiver who droped the Fiat and stoped to get the coffee,picked up the laddy who was going shopping.The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street blamed for work for five minuters later then he normaly dit,as he forgot to set the alarm clock.But the man,late for work who was crossing the street,Daisy had finished this rehearsed ,and was taking a shower,and while Daisy was showing in the taxi who was waiting for the woman to pick up the package.And the package which handing not yet because the girl who was supposed to rapid was broken up with her boyfriend the night before,and forgot.The package was warpped and the women was backing again and blocked by the lorry truck,all the while Daisy was getting dressed.The lorry truck got away and the taxi was able to move,when the Daisy ,the last to be dressed,waiting for one of her friend who broken her shoelace,when the taxi stopped,waiting for the traffic lights,Daisy and her friend came up the back of the theatre,and if only one thing can happen differently,if the shoelace has broken,or the lorry truck to leave up a monment earlier,and whatif the package wrapped ready as the girl hasn't broken with the boyfriend,whatif the man set his alarm at guard five minutes earlier
















“一寸光阴,一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴 。”《流浪汉与时光老人》这个故事告诉我:光阴似箭,日月如梭。我们一定要珍惜时光,不要让它在你的身边白白流去。



刚好这两天刚看完返老还童。 尽量帮你写吧.

These days I've just watched a movie called "the curious case of benjamin button", which seems ridiculous but worth thinking about. I haven't yet gone through any tough stuff like what Benjamin has faced, but i know there are always some difficult things that have been set for everyone. Sometimes you may think that is what called "fate", and then give up, succumb to that "fate". But how do you know what you're gonna be without struggling? Benjamin has gone through all that things and finally known what was gonna happen to him. So I'd like to say, one thing that throughout your whole life is struggling. To be a determined man, to face anything that happens to you, then you will know, you are the one, the one who you wanna be. 可以的话选我吧,谢谢啦。


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