

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[毕业论文答辩评语]1. 答辩中思路清晰,陈述流畅,问题回答准确。经投票表决,答辩委员会一致同意通过论文答辩,并建议授予***学士学位。 2. 该生流利地陈述了写作该论文的目的、理论与实践意义,古玩网...+阅读



反复阅读、审查自己的论文。对论文内容要了如指掌。写好5-10 分钟的答辩陈述。陈述特别要注意以下几点:1.论










good luck to you!


in academic year, i studied here for my med degree. a group of teachers in our college began a research program on different aspects of primary school english teaching. ms. huang, my supervisor, was responsible for the research task on primary school english teachers’ in-service education. she knew my interest in the issue of teacher development so she asked me to join in her research. because of her, it was easier for me to get the chance to attend various kinds of in-service education programs in the province.

in the same year, zhejiang province launched a project of improving teachers’ quality of primary and secondary schools in rural regions. wenzhou teachers education institute, where i am working took on the task of providing training courses to primary school english backbone teachers from rural regions around the city .as a part of the provincial project. as a teacher educator majored in english teaching, i was responsible for the whole arrangement of the training courses for these bakbone primary school english teachers.

in september , i finished my med studies and returned home. on 25th, sept of , i anized a training class for in-service primary school english teachers in rural areas and decided to take this class as my study subject.

enlightened by the socio-cultural view o 12全文查看f learning, that is, teachers learn best through active involvement and through thinking about and being articulate about what they he learned, i arranged the whole training course to promote trainee teachers’

active participation as much as possible. for eample, i took trainee teachers to observe class and encouraged them to make a ment afterwards; i invited professor huang who guided trainee teachers to narrate their teaching eperiences in order to draw wisdom from themselves. in this sense, i named my training courses as “participatory training courses”.

the training course lasts for five days, during which, i participated in as an anizer of the whole training course, a teacher educator for one subject, a peer learner of the trainee teachers, and meanwhile, a researcher. the research methods adopted in the study are ethnography, narrative inquiry, case story method, interviews and so on. the data collected include field notes of classroom observation, interview recordings, teachers’ feedback journal, and discussion groups’ recordings.

the paper attempts to answer the following questions: (1) what kind of knowledge do teachers really need? (2) how do teachers get developed through learning in this in-service training program?

by making a narrative inquiry of the training course, i gained a better understanding on what courses satisfy the teachers’ needs and arouse teachers’ awareness of ongoing professional development.

the study provided some effective suggestions for promoting teachers professional development in the current frame of teacher training and teacher education. this reaearch deepened my understanding on the issue of teacher education., what’s more, through the research.it is beneficial for me to nize other training class. 12全文查看



反复阅读、审查自己的论文。对论文内容要了如指掌。写好5-10 分钟的答辩陈述。陈述特别要注意以下几点:1.论










ood luck o you!


in cdmic yr, i sudid hr for my md dr. roup of chrs in our coll bn rsrch prorm on diffrn spcs of primry school nlish chin. ms. hun, my suprvisor, ws rsponsibl for h rsrch sk on primry school nlish chrs’ in-srvic ducion. sh knw my inrs in h issu of chr dvlopmn so sh skd m o join in hr rsrch. bcus of hr, i ws sir for m o h chnc o nd vrious kinds of in-srvic ducion prorms in h provinc.

in h sm yr, zhjin provinc lunchd projc of improvin chrs’ quliy of primry nd scondry schools in rurl rions. wnzhou chrs ducion insiu, whr i m workin ook on h sk of providin rinin courss o primry school nlish bckbon chrs from rurl rions round h ciy .s pr of h provincil projc. s chr ducor mjord in nlish chin, i ws rsponsibl for h whol rrnmn of h rinin courss for hs bkbon primry school nlish chrs.

in spmbr , i finishd my md sudis nd rurnd hom. on 25h, sp of , i ornizd rinin clss for in-srvic primry school nlish chrs in rurl rs nd dcidd o k his clss s my sudy subjc.

nlihnd by h socio-culurl viw o[]f lrnin, h is, chrs lrn bs hrouh civ involvmn nd hrouh hinkin bou nd bin ricul bou wh hy hv lrnd, i rrnd h whol rinin cours o promo rin chrs’

civ pricipion s much s possibl. for mpl, i ook rin chrs o obsrv clss nd ncourd hm o mk mn frwrds; i invid profssor hun who uidd rin chrs o nrr hir chin princs in ordr o drw wisdom from hmslvs. in his sns, i nmd my rinin courss s “pricipory rinin courss”.

h rinin cours lss for fiv dys, durin which, i pricipd in s n ornizr of h whol rinin cours, chr ducor for on subjc, pr lrnr of h rin chrs, nd mnwhil, rsrchr. h rsrch mhods dopd in h sudy r hnorphy, nrriv inquiry, cs sory mhod, inrviws nd so on. h d collcd includ fild nos of clssroom obsrvion, inrviw rcordins, chrs’ fdbck journl, nd discussion roups’ rcordins.

h ppr mps o nswr h followin qusions: (1) wh kind of knowld do chrs rlly nd? (2) how do chrs dvlopd hrouh lrnin in his in-srvic rinin prorm?

by mkin nrriv inquiry of h rinin cours, i ind br undrsndin on wh courss sisfy h chrs’ nds nd rous chrs’ wrnss of onoin profssionl dvlopmn.

h sudy providd som ffciv susions for promoin chrs profssionl dvlopmn in h currn frm of chr rinin nd chr ducion. his rrch dpnd my undrsndin on h issu of chr ducion., wh’s mor, hrouh h rsrch.i is bnficil for m o orniz ohr rinin clss.



反复阅读、审查自己的论文。对论文内容要了如指掌。写好5-10 分钟的答辩陈述。陈述特别要注意以下几点:1.论










good luck to you!


in academic year, i studied here for my med degree. a group of teachers in our college began a research program on different aspects of primary school english teaching. ms. huang, my supervisor, was responsible for the research task on primary school english teachers’ in-service education. she knew my interest in the issue of teacher development so she asked me to join in her research. because of her, it was easier for me to get the chance to attend various kinds of in-service education programs in the province.

in the same year, zhejiang province launched a project of improving teachers’ quality of primary and secondary schools in rural regions. wenzhou teachers education institute, where i am working took on the task of providing training courses to primary school english backbone teachers from rural regions around the city .as a part of the provincial project. as a teacher educator majored in english teaching, i was responsible for the whole arrangement of the training courses for these bakbone primary school english teachers.

in september , i finished my med studies and returned home. on 25th, sept of , i anized a training class for in-service primary school english teachers in rural areas and decided to take this class as my study subject.

enlightened by the socio-cultural view o 12全文查看




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