

03月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[电影《老炮儿》观后感]《老炮儿》首映,不得不强调一下,我有冯小刚情结。 十六年前,他的《不见不散》全国公映的那一年,我和孩儿爸相识。我相信人与人之间的缘分是冥冥中注定的,属于你世界的人,迟早会相...+阅读

Unusually intelligent Jim Carrey movie - a provocative and prescient media satire. Puts Big Brother and the current spate of docu-soaps firmly into perspective Truman Burbank (Carrey) is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in a small American town so perfect that he has never felt the need or desire to lee it. He has a loving wife (Linney), and a loyal best buddy (Emmerich)。

Life is good until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground perilously close to him. It is the trigger that sets him questioning everything around him. What is behind the facades of the buildings he has never entered? Why do people seem to be trelling around him in a perfectly synchronized loop? What is going on outside his home-town? Truman is, it turns out, the unwitting star of a top-rated 24-hour-a-day TV docu-soap. Under the careful critical scrutiny to which it has been subjected, the plot turns out not to be watertight.

This is to miss the point of what is a hilarious and breathtakingly conceived satire which also allows Carrey to edge away from broad edy. The Truman Show is also oddly moving and has, as you would expect from a Weir film, a pronounced metaphysical slant with Ed Harris playing the show's archly named producer/creator Christof. Verdict One of the cinematic highlights of the 1990s, The Truman Show is up there with Weir's very best work.



Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us. He has many desires, and very easy to meet. Therefore, he sometimes ecstatic, sometimes Rusangkaobi, most of the time the loss depressed, overwhelmed. At this time, there has been a director of genius useless, and he constantly create new stimuli, so that he bees ups and downs in the long drama, appetizing. Truman happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then seize the opportunity to open it alive. He made such romantic novels as blonde suddenly appeared in the sight of Truman, his erotic valve open, letting her sudden departure, so the mind fall into a bottomless abyss; he had never met before to Truman "late father" suddenly appeared, to recognize exaggerated ic scenes make it in your eyes, but also make the TV viewing audience tears; he brought Truman's close friends in their emotional bad time to care for him, enlighten He, so that it felt the "Oasis in the Desert" and rebirth of confidence, although the friend is an actor, and is carrying a large segment of lines … …

Who admire the film brilliant and arrogant genius director, he leads people to think of God, also saw the weak, tired, helpless and confusion Truman was the hypocrisy of the play again, or for life and the future with optimism when the wes in my heart to sorrow and grief, I could not bear to face - can not bear to face a real "us"!

"Life is like a play, movie is like life," so lamented philosopher, but the actors on the stage of life - we, is not always an act of consciousness has it? Or deception and the arrangement of God, selflessly doing meaningless things? Happy, do not

Enough to make us love this world; setbacks, not enough to make us abandon this world. God is like the genius as a director, holds a very good degree, he knew that when a blow to us, when we ge a warm fire burned, he allows us to maintain hope in pain, in hope endure pain, the pain making the story as wes, but also making the ratings, the hope is to train and ge us the appearance fees, so we are not so half-way stop play.

The end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the camera, really the "God" strike played out. Panic talented director, he will lose the audience, he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to lee the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of that door, walks over to the dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no matter what, he did not care. Buddhism, the "epiphany" one said, and that a plete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in the dust covering it, it lost. Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self, the self-contained plete and carefree nature.

"Diamond Sutra" language: "Where all the phases are all false, if seen in the phase of non-relative, then see the Tathagata." Costume sooner or later to fade, set to be removed sooner or later, when the act is performed in a lively manner, but Do not fet to watch a movie than ever addiction, feel free to let another "I" - the I, off the stage, in the audience, sipping tea, take a look at the stage of "I" and "them", a few drum Under the palm, a few drops of tears flow, understand this, that will insight a. In fact, we not taken the door across what is the relationship? Because our hearts he been cross-out.



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