
求一篇英文电影观后感英文的 100字左右初一水平

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小小飞虎队观后感500字]“八月十五云遮天,黑了太阳黑了月,爹 娘回不了自家的门啊,奶奶找不到龙王爷 ……”,每当听到这耳熟能详的音乐声,就 知道《小小飞虎队》开始了。这主要讲了三个小孩儿—大壮、虎...+阅读

罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)的英文观32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333264653433后感:

A princess came to Roma to have a public visiting. As a young girl, she was bored of continual tasteless activities. One night she sneaked out of her living room. When she came to the street of Roma, she was deeply attracted by the ordinary life of Italian. In the end she was so tired that she slept on a street chair. An American journalist Joe accidentally saw her and took unhappily her to his apartment. When he learned her true identity, an interesting and romantic journey commenced.

What happened at the mouth of truth was the funniest scene in the movie. Although they got one day to stay together, their love would be eternal. True love is not up to how long you stay with your another half.


电影小小飞虎队观后感150字观《小小飞虎队》有感 今天,我看了《小小飞虎队》 这部电视剧,我非常感动。里面的三个小英雄为了将情报送给上级,不惜出生入死,也保卫了整个飞虎队。 小小飞虎队里的三个小英雄...

母亲我的大学观后感750《童年·在人间·我的大学》读后感 这本书是高尔基先生的自传体三部曲,后来合并在一起,分成了三个部分。 第一个部分讲述了主人公阿廖沙因为父亲去世,和母亲一同去到姥爷家生活...

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