

02月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Reading the "naughty Bauma small jump" Feelings I would like to read the "naughty Bauma small jump" this book will know that, in the small horse jumping is a pure and innocent children. Ma Qi Qi small jump of those ideas and eccentric behavior is always unexpected, but overall I can bring laughter, joy, he is in great relish by the Kejian. For example, in "Tongzhuo enemy" in such a story: mathematics teacher layout Crossing every day to be wrong a fine 10. Several days in a row, jumping on the horse that are wrong, but the road has never been Manman Bu Kuaicuo. Thus, Ma small jump in the count when I do look. That day, Ma was an unprecedented jump on one that is not wrong, the teacher has been greatly commended. But one day jump on the horse and a second episode, but the road Manman first to write on the wrong answer, such as small-jump peep at the end, to write on the correct answer. However, this small Zizuocongming horse jumping Manman be planted in the hands of the road. Today the wrong horse small jump title 53, was teacher training seven months of the eight-Hun, confused. We are the children, seems to have cast a shadow. Teachers and adults every day in the ears Niantao, learning is the most important, we should conscientiously study seems to be the only way Man-man squadron leader, saying King Ding Wentao,child prodigy Linzi Cong is the good boy, are we Learning example. The nature of our children have been running low on the.


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