
跪求苔丝的英文读后感 1000字左右谢谢

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[哈利波特的读后感]我的感想:一个瘦弱、带着眼镜的黑发小巫师,手持一根魔棒,把你带入那“梦幻般的魔法世界”里。他就是我们的小巫师—“哈利波特”! 在《哈利波特》这本书中,作者把我们想不到、做...+阅读

Tess of the d'Urbervilles “Tess of the d'Urbervilles” is regarded as one of Thomas Hardy's most famous masterpieces in the world.I was deeply impressed by the story:the poor girl girl---Tess Durbeyfields had to work for Alec d'Urbervilles in order to support her family.She was so beautiful that the so-called gentleman seduced her.And form then on,Tess's life was doomed to be a tragedy.Later she found her true love ---Angel Clare.However,when Tess told him about her misery past soon after their wedding day,the man deserted Tess instead of forgiving her becaused he learned that Tess was not as pure as he thought---she was no more a maiden.Angel went to Brazil alone and asked Tess not to write to him .Tess waited for his return,living in a sorrow.Finally,Alec found her and wanted her to be his woman by all possible means .In order to get rid of him ,Tess had no choice but to murder him.It is such a heartbroken story that I couldn't help thinking about it for several days. Tess has a strong sense of responsbility and self respect.Her father was lazy and her mother was blind.She was exactly the one who devoted herself to the family.I think,as a daughter ,she had done encough.She was also strongwilled and optimistic.There had been much gossip in the small village because of her prengnancy and people in the village looked down on her .However,she managed to recover from all these and decided to begain a new life at a distant dairy farm. Tess was independent and loyal to love .She refused to get money from either Alec or Angel,she made a living on her own.She worked hard.What's more,she was honest.She confessed her sufferings to her husband even though her mother told her not to.She did nothing wrong,she was just a little child at that time. Tess was brave encough to kill Alec—the man who ruined her whole life.She set a good example to the women throughout ages.And she didn't accept the unfair fate as it was,instead she resisted the tempatation of Alec and she won over the misfortunes in some way. I admire Tess for her attitudes toward life;I also show my profound sympathy for Tess's miserable fate;I envy Tess for she had the courage to fight against fate.


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