

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁帮我写一篇老人与海的英文读后感 ?????]今年暑假,我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 The Old Man and the Sea i...+阅读

前几天刚写的,简爱 The protagonist, Jane Eyre, as the author depicted, is very plain. But almost every reader, including me, must prefer Jane to any other young ladies in this novel. I think Jane possesses a kind heart, an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She loves Mr. Rochester even more when loses his hand and sight. She never gives up her own independence and never easily follows the instructions or advices from people around her. Instead, Jane Eyre choose insist on her own beliefs and standards. At first, Jane Eyre met her best friend, Helen Burns, in the Lowwood School. Though they two really intimate to each other, Jane cannot totally agree with Helen's ideas about life and people. As Jane grows up, she choose to leave the school and work as a teacher, regardless of the critiques from others. After the secret reveals that the insane woman in the old castle attic the insane woman is Mr. Rochester's wife, Jane Eyre is not willing to lose her dignity, condescends to her own desire. Actually, she leaves resolutely and silently. Because of those kinds of brave and independent choices, Jane Eyre becomes one of the greatest women in my mind definitely.


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帮忙。写一篇海上钢琴师的英文观后感Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano,la Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They...

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