

02月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[外国名著英文读后感]We cant imagine living in a world without light and sound,so we cant perceive the spiritual world of disabled people who are blind,deaf or even dumb.He you ever...+阅读

Book review of “Pride and Prejudice”“Pride and Prejudice” was a famous work of Jane Austen. The story showed how various characters choose their marriage partners and the mistakes they make alone the way. Mrs. Bennet's was urgent need to find good husbands for all her daughters. So when a rich unmarried young man rented a large house in the neighborhood. She was so excitement. She let her husband to visit the new neighbor. She was determined that Mr. Bingly should marry one of her girls. After Mr. Bennet's visit, Mr. Bingly also called on them. They had a party. At the party one of Mr. Bingly's friends who called also took park in them. He is a rich man. But he was so arrogant. He only danced with Bingly's sister. He looked upon Elizabeth. Through contact with each other, Darcy found that Elizabeth was so charming especially her big eyes. They met each other at another party. He invited her to have a dance this time. He was refused. Her refusal had not harmed her in the gentleman's opinion, and he thought of her with some admiration. Elizabeth's two sisters were just like their mother. They went to their aunt's home every week in order to meet the officers on their way there. Once Elizabeth met a stranger who named Wickham on their way. At the same time, they met Darcy and Bingly Elizabeth happened to see the faces of both when they looked at each other. The face of one became white, the other turned red. Elizabeth felt quit strange. Elizabeth had stronger prejudice on Darcy Later Bingly hold a party. Mr. Collins made a proposal to Elizabeth. She refused. It made Mrs. Bennet very angry. However, Mr. Bennet quite supported his daughter. No sooner Mr. Collin married another girl. After Christmas Jane went to London visit her uncle. Vickham continue


求一篇英文的外国名著读后感800词高中水平傲慢与偏见英文读后感: Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and marriage in eighteenth-century England. It centers on the elder...

外国名著英文读后感 300词Little Women =========== In Little Women, you will meet the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy who live with their mother, Marmee, and their maid Hannah, during...

求外国名著英文读后感200300字Little Women In Little Women,you will meet the March sisters,Meg,Jo,Beth & Amy who live with their mother,Marmee,and their maid Hannah,during the Civil War.The...

求一篇外国名著的读后感1500字的《巴黎圣母院》读后感 别看外表, 姑娘,要看心灵。 英俊青年的心往往是丑恶的, 有许多心不能留住爱情。 姑娘,松柏不美, 没有杨树那般挺拔, 但冬天仍然枝繁叶茂。 唉!说这些又有什么...

看外国名著的读后感600字《悲惨世界》读后感 生存在“善与恶”的永恒主题中,《悲惨世界》以其独特的魅力赢得了一代又一代人们的喜爱,成为世界文学殿堂中一道绚丽多彩的风景。 在这部作品中,作者将同情...

外国名著读后感700字左右1.《假如给我三天光明》读后感 自从我读了海伦·凯勒写的《假如给我三天光明》。书中的主人翁就一直在我的眼前闪烁,她激励着我。 海伦·凯勒刚出生19个月,因病双目失明,不久又...

400字外国名著读后《巴黎圣母院》读后感 美丽而又善良的女神艾丝美拉达,和相貌丑陋却品德高尚的敲钟人卡西莫多,他们演绎着一段传奇,令人久久不能忘怀。 1482年,法王路易十一统治下的巴黎城沉浸在...

英文名著读后《基督山伯爵》读后感: 爱也彻底,恨也彻底.报恩也彻底,复仇也彻底.这就是在我读完《基督山复仇记》后最大的感受.中国有句俗语叫做"君子报仇,十年不晚",报仇也是需要养精蓄锐的,并不...

