
小王子的读后感英文版 500词左右

02月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文读后感之小王子读后感]the little prince – a tale of love and life title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the...+阅读

feels the very forbidden reason exceeds ,king arrogant and conceited,be absorbed in the pursuit of wealth businessman ,pedantic lighting a lamp person,...He sighs with emotion that "adult's world is indeed queer" thereupon ceaselessly.In the dyadic here author child sight with young Prince,grasp the essence of out these adults' inanity ,blind and ignorant but conceited,unfavourable situation also saying that lonely having produced an adult lonely ,is at a loss what to do.Finally,he has arrived in the earth.He has come across one Charley in here ,this that Charley has been resolved that squeamish small rose by him has made him clear to feeling uncertain that matching lip-moving that he brings about loves,love has implied responsibility ,has implied mercy,have had all inside the love (broad wide love) life to have had meaning just now.Charley tell him:"To your tame thing of making,you have responsibility forever.You want to fulfil one's duty to your rose"."If you have made me tame,my life is only capable to do being full of sunlight ,merry get up.I will be able to listen to out one kind of footfall different from the rest........You have a blonde hair ,this will become brilliant thereupon,once you have made me tame!The aureate wheat will make me remember you time coming.I only am capable to do upper trajection of love thereupon news of the rippling wheat,,'' That love has made person understand distressed sum agony,has made the person breakaway lonely lonely at the same time ,messenger life has become having being full of temperament and interest and significance.Young Prince of elephant speaks exactly to "me":"This resembles flower one kind right away.If you have fallen in love with the flower one growing on a star,you are happy to feel sweet right away being looking at the sky ,spend as if being coming untied on all stars at night".The author is clear thereupon ,this world is previous,the small sheep eats up one flower ,is to have no remarkable thing,but as for youn


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关于小王子的读后这本书我是第一次听说,我平时很少读童话故事,小时候也接触的不多,尽看动画片了,所以我的童话知识几乎全部来源于动画片。 按你的吩咐我看了小王子。 首先我觉得这本书的童话世界...

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写一篇关于小王子的英文读后感。高一水平《Little Prince》was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a famous French writer. It has been interpreted into forty-two languages, and read by every field of...

求小王子英文读后感 200字原创急用拜托各位了 3Q求《小王子》英文读后感 200字 the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little pri...

跪求一篇小王子英文读后感200字谢谢谢谢"Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through va...
