

02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇关于小王子的英文读后感。高一水平]《Little Prince》was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a famous French writer. It has been interpreted into forty-two languages, and read by every field of...+阅读


> statue of the legislation in the city center onto a piece of pure gold. His eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. Can to help poor people, the Flying Swallow with the help of the pure gold and precious stones film gave people in need of help. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated and were removed. Later, someone asked The Happy Prince: "Do you help others, they destroyed themselves, worth it?" The Happy Prince without regret to say: As long as I have made to give others happiness, I have been happier. Is certainly worthwhile.

Yes ah, this is how a simple if it! Others happy, is his happiness. Our happiness based on other people's happiness above. Britain's Prince Fan Zhongyan ancients of China's "first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy," the famous saying. Which is not that we are advocating the moral life it?



On the initiative of such thinking, in our lives appear as numerous as the Happy Prince, it is respected.

However, I can not do. I am afraid of hardship, fear of pay. In a school clean-up, I only taught me the work, it was unwilling to help the students complete the common task of tired and dirty. Normally, also pick and choose in the labor, the lack of the spirit to endure hardship. In learning too afraid repeatedly practicing the task view. Do not want to study in depth.

Today truly understand: I the usual so-called "happiness" and the Happy Prince's "happiness" is essentially the difference.


Today,I read with relish a well-known British writer Oscar Wilde book "The Happy Prince." Prince and Swallow book selfless,so my soul be touched and shocked. Happy Prince statue originally stood in the city center,his body encrusted piece of pure gold,and his eyes are two bright sapphires,there is a big ruby in the hilt on his hand upon her shining.Can to help poor people,who help in the Swallow,the film of pure gold and precious stones to give the people in need.Finally,little Swallow,frozen to death,while the Happy Prince has been removed due to dilapidated.They will be in the public statue of The Little Prince melts into the fire,the little prince how will melt the heart can not afford to,people he put the heart and the golden prince died of the Swallow are thrown in the trash.Although the appearance of the little prince is a statue,the heart is made of lead,but there is a pure heart,genuinely good.However,I can not,I fear of hardship,fear of pay,usually,in learning more afraid of repeated practice,do not want to delve into,so every time examination results are not satisfactory.I hope we learn from the Prince a good heart. 今天,我津津有味地读完了英国著名作家王尔德所著的《快乐王子》.书中的王子和小燕子的无私,使我的心灵受到触动与震憾. 快乐王子的塑像本来立在市中心,他身上缀满了纯金箔片,他的眼睛是两粒闪亮的蓝宝石,还有一颗大大的红宝石在他手捏着的剑柄上闪闪发光.可为了帮助穷苦的百姓,他在小燕子的帮助下,把纯金箔片和宝石送给了需要帮助的人们.最后,小燕子冻死了,而快乐王子也因破烂不堪而被拆除.在市民们将小王子的雕像放进火里融化时,小王子的心怎么也融不掉,人们便把小王子的心和那只死了的小燕子都扔进了垃圾箱.虽然小王子的外表是一座雕像,心也是用铅造的,但他内心深处却有一颗纯真,善良的真心.可是,我却做不到,我怕吃苦,怕付出,平时,在学习上就怕反复多练,不愿深入钻研,所以每次考试成绩都不理想.我希望大家学习快乐王子的一颗善良的心.









Today, I read with relish a well-known British writer Oscar Wilde book "The Happy Prince." Prince and Swallow book selfless, so my soul be touched and shocked. Happy Prince statue originally stood in the city center, his body encrusted piece of pure gold, and his eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in the hilt on his hand upon her shining. Can to help poor people, who help in the Swallow, the film of pure gold and precious stones to give the people in need. Finally, little Swallow, frozen to death, while the Happy Prince has been removed due to dilapidated. They will be in the public statue of The Little Prince melts into the fire, the little prince how will melt the heart can not afford to, people he put the heart and the golden prince died of the Swallow are thrown in the trash. Although the appearance of the little prince is a statue, the heart is made of lead, but there is a pure heart, genuinely good. However, I can not, I fear of hardship, fear of pay, usually, in learning more afraid of repeated practice, do not want to delve into, so every time examination results are not satisfactory. I hope we learn from the Prince a good heart.额,不知道你能看懂不,我给翻译吧今天,我津津有味地读完了英国著名作家王尔德所著的《快乐王子》。




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