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[求一篇描写学校的英语作文。80 100词左右]My School My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teachin...+阅读


thanking for my teacher

I have met a lot of people in my school life. One of them is my good friend Emma. She is the best friend I've made in the class, who is always there for me when I am in need of help.


Recently, I found myself getting upset easily.最近,我发现自己很容易心烦.

I often complained about the stress and even couldn't concentrate on studies. 我经常抱怨我的压力,甚至无法集中精力学习.

Emma noticed my problem and spent two hours with me one day, talking about her own stress and how she was dealing with difficulties.艾玛注意到我的问题,有一天花了两个小时,谈论她自己的压力,她是如何处理困难

From her, I learnt that the only way to beat difficulties is keeping trying instead of complaining. And I felt much more confident to fight against them together with Emma.



“A friend in need is a friend indeed”. A good friend is one who makes you happy when you are crying and strong when you are giving in, and that is Emma to me.



————读《爱丽丝梦游仙境》有感 故事开篇讲述了一个名为爱丽丝的女孩,在一次和姐姐读书时意外的走入了书中的世界。在那里,她经历了许多在现实中所没有的事。会说话的兔子,能变大变小的药丸,以及会动的扑克牌,而当她陷入危机后忽然惊醒时,才发现这不过是自己的一个长长的梦…… 合上书本,揉了揉疲惫的双眼,我陷入了静静的沉思。小的时候看,觉得爱丽丝好幸福,可以进入书中的世界,即便那是一个梦。 人都有梦想,爱丽丝的梦已经圆了她的梦想了吗? 当然,我们看这部书并不是单纯的思考她的梦想。开始时,爱丽丝刚刚掉入洞中,原本以为她会像一般的女孩子一样大哭大闹、没了主意,但是我想错了,她把自己坚强和乐观的一面呈现给了读者,让我们知道了故事的主人公并不是一个懦弱胆怯的小女生。

而后面在与扑克牌士兵和王后的交流中又显出了她的聪明和勇敢。 爱丽丝就是这样一个女孩,让我们看了她的故事后不由得去喜欢她,去因为她经历的跌宕起伏而心跳不止,去因为她的逃脱困境而喜上眉梢…… 而就是这样一个女孩,让我想到了自己。我也有自己的梦,也曾经沉醉在梦境中喜悦或哭泣。而更想进入书中去体会那超出一般的快感。曾经以为梦想是那么的遥不可及,因为梦想和现实总是有差距的,梦中的仙境到底有多远?我真的能走到伸出手就可以触摸的地方吗? 想到这里,不知什么时候天空已经挂满星辰,低头看手中已经被自己握了很久的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,封面上的爱丽丝笑着和姐姐坐在红红的枫树下,枫叶红彤彤的洒满一地……不由得笑了,和爱丽丝一样的笑,她可以那样勇敢乐观,为什么我会不可以呢?梦境虽然遥远,虽然并不真实,可是心却是真的,只要有心,什么事会做不到呢? 再次仰望天空,眼神不会迷茫。

北方的北斗星将会随着季节而改变方向,而人生的方向不会因为时间而改变。爱丽丝已经从梦中醒来,而我的梦想,则是刚刚开始…… 英语的:---- Read "Alice in Wonderland," Thoughts Story begins with the story of a girl named Alice, and sister in an accident when reading a book into the world. There, she experienced a lot in reality things are not. Talking rabbits, can change into small pills, and the moves of the poker, and when she suddenly woke up after a crisis, they find that this is only a long dream of his own ... ... Close your books this, rubbed his tired eyes, I fell into silent contemplation. When watching a small, think Alice blessed, you can enter the world of the book, even if it was a dream. Have dreams, Alice's dream has been fulfilled her dreams? Of course, we look at this book not simply thinking about her dream. Initially, Alice has just fallen into the hole, had thought she would cry like a normal girl, like a row, not the idea, but I was wrong, she gave her a strong and optimistic side presented to the reader, Let us know the story of the hero is not a weak timid little girl. The playing cards behind the soldiers and the queen with the exchange in another show of her intelligent and courageous. Alice is a girl showed us her story could not help but to like her to because she experienced many ups and downs and the heart more than to escape because of her plight and very happy ... ... Which is such a girl, I thought myself. I also have their own dreams, has also been indulging in the dream, joy, or cry. More want to get into the book to understand that beyond the general excitement. Used to think that dreams are so far away, because there is always gap between dreams and reality, the dream of paradise in the end how far? I really can go hand can touch the place? Thought of this, I do not know when the sky has been covered with the stars, look down their hands have been holding for a long time, "Alice in Wonderland" on the cover of Alice with a smile and her sister sat under the red maple, Sprinkled with a bright red maple leaves in ... ... could not help but laugh, and laugh like Alice, she can as brave and optimistic, why do I not? Although distant dream, though not real, but his heart is true, if we really want, nothing will do the same? Again look at the sky, eyes not confused. North of the Big Dipper will change direction with the seasons, while the direction of life will not change with time. Alice has been waking up from a dream, and my dream is just beginning ... ...


《感动洪城----2012十大优秀教师颁奖典礼》观后感、杜旭 2013-09-9 21:00:00| 分类: 作品展示|字号 订阅 晚会在一组深情的歌舞《老师,您好!》中开场,随后通过短片的方式再现了十位先进人物事迹。现场主持人采访和精心设计的互动环节成为一颗颗“催泪弹”,让观众了解先进人物真实而质朴的内心世界。这十位感动洪城的优秀教师,有的来自城市,有的来自偏远山村;有的是农村小学的一校之长,有的是半路出家的语文老师;有的年近六旬的老人,有的正当青春年华,他们都有一个共同的特点:都是为南昌市教育事业作出了突出贡献的园丁。 “感动洪城”2012年南昌市十大优秀教师是在全市5万多名中小学教师中,经基层提名推荐、评审组评议和网络公示及投票,公示反映情况和综合评审,报组委会通过最终产生的。

评选活动今年四月份启动,历时五个月,最终来自南昌三中的教师聂水兰、南昌经济技术开发区中联小学校长李美旺、新建县南矶中学教师柏宗材、进贤县池溪中学教师颜有华、南昌外国语学校教师胡德华、青山湖区新才学校语文教师廉爽、东湖区培智学校语文教师郑垚婷、南昌十七中西藏部理科教研组长周志斌、安义县长均新基小学教师何树平、红星扶轮五湖学校英语教师周红获得首届感动洪城十大优秀教师的光荣称号。 十位优秀教师的感人事迹为大家诠释了当代教师大爱无疆的高尚品德。例如南昌三中高中语文教师聂水兰,从1977年大学毕业,一直在南昌三中工作,三十五年来,付出了青春,耗损了健康,桃李满天下,三十多年来,她用情感唤醒学生的心灵,用爱撞击人生的火花,以校为家,班上学生病了,她支付医疗费,学生困难面临停学时,她尽自己的所能。

她用自己的行为诠释了一名普通人民教师的伟大,给我印象最深刻的是聂老师说的一句话:觉得学生是青春的活力的,是他们给了我快乐,他们给了我青春的活力,他们让我登上了今天的领奖台。 再例如安义县长均新基小学教师何树平,武汉体育专业毕业,看到农村小学文体课的匮乏,毅然投身到偏僻的农村小学,给山村的小学生带来欢乐和希望。还有湾里招贤区红星扶轮五湖学校的英语老师周红,她自己也是来自这所学校,知道乡村教师的匮乏,为了回报教育过自己的学校,也在学校做了一名普通的乡村教师,也是因为学校没有英语老师,所以周红老师自学英语担负起小学英语老师的责任。 其实,无论是南昌三中的聂老师,还是乡村教师付老师,他们都只是这十位秀教师中的一员,他们都只是千千万万个普通教师中的一员。

他们的故事让我从他们身上看到了什么叫作奉献,什么叫作执著。看到他们我也想到我的老师刘建兰,刘老师是我的班主任,她剪着一头干净利落的短头发,让人觉得虽然严肃却又透着一份亲切,刘老师除了教课非常认真外,对班上每个同学的一点一滴也非常清楚,谁生病了,谁的课没有跟上等等,都不能逃过刘老师的眼睛。刘老师就像我们的妈妈,不但管教我们的学习,还处处关心着我们每个人的成长。 同时通过观看这台晚会,我们大家更应该尊师重教,因为我们都是祖国的未来,而我们未来是要靠老师来指引和培养的,每一个学生的成长背后都有一位在默默付出辛勤汗水的教师。


在小学阶段,有许许多多的老师给我传授了知识,我十分感谢他们。仔细想来,在这五年里,对我们最好的就是三年级时的班主任——张老师。 张老师是一位优秀的小学英语教师,她的个子不高,却有一双会说话的大眼睛。她有一头乌黑亮丽的直直的头发,扎着马尾辫,全身散发着青春的活力,所以,我第一眼看到她时就对她有好感。 记得开学的时候,她一进教师门就用英语说明了自己!我立刻就意识到她是我们的英语老师!她说明完毕后,用国语说了这么几句:“我很荣幸能和你们成为师生,不过我对你们在学习英语这一方面提一些要求:我希望你们能仔仔细细认真的听讲每一节英语课,做好该做笔记,能做到课前预习课后复习。有不会的题目也可以来办公室找我询问。”我们全班都被镇住了,第一印象:稍有严厉。



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