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求一篇海底两万里的读后感要用英文 100个次就够了初二水平拜

Do you know Vingt mille lieues sous les mers?This is a very interesting story.Jules Gabriel Verne,author of the book. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers is a science fiction.This book is about biologist Pierre Aronnax,Conseil,Ned Land and Capitaine Nemo Around the sea.In fact,I think Capitaine Nemo is a courageous man.So I really admire him.We should learn from him,become a courageous man.Be convinced of "Adversity temper one. Adversity is a teacher. Adversities, sweet bitter variable."翻译:你知道《海底两万里》吗?这是一个非常有趣的故事。儒勒·加布里埃尔·凡尔纳,这本书的作者。《海底两万里》是一本科幻小说。这本书是讲述生物学家阿龙纳斯、康塞尔、尼德·兰和尼摩船长一起周游海底的故事。实际上,我认为尼摩船长是一个勇敢的人,所以我真的佩服他,我们应该向他学习,成为一个勇敢的人。



After reading this book, I will think of a filling the rich world, a vast ocean, Captain Nemo took us to explore the wonderful. In this book, I can feel the usually do not feel, can think we usually can't imagine. In this book, you can know the forest can walk, can know at the bottom of the sea is how to hunt, can know the captain Nemo is how uniform shark, can also learn about the Nautilus is how to break through the siege from danger, safe and sound to be threatened by growing crises Mercedes-Benz in seabed, here can give you new feeling, experience the offbeat, exciting life. I can understand that these, thank the author. Is the author to write such a good article, the author is Jules Verne, he was certified as the most imaginative novelist science fiction in nineteenth Century. His writing is particularly odd. I learned so much, it comes down to read, if you do not read, can not know so much. In fact, it's good to read this book, as I read "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea", sometimes can develop your wisdom, inspire people's thinking, active people's brain, let everyone enjoy art in the thrills and excitement. Let us read more, into the literature of the era! In literature, the emotion will be moist; into the literature, dance soul will be; in literature, life will be eternal, in this day and age, "books" will make the road ahead of the new century young elegant wisp of pure and attractive book.


这些天来,我看着一个“海底20000万里通” ,这本书是极其interesting.Among他们,我的冰山此内容深切感到深深的感动“海底20000英里。 ” 他们在南极地区航行,在这些道路上回来,不幸的是周围的冰山一角,但他们用自己的智慧拯救自己的生命。 阿如何惊心动魄季度!他们认为,在危险的局势,他们是清醒的头脑,克服了困难的wisdom.Then我?我本人都非常趋向成熟胆怯,而且正在接近难时间不具备的勇气去面对,要战胜它。 但是, “海底20000万里通”给了我一些courages ,我要学习他们那种不怕困难和危险的精神! “海底20000英里”虽然仅仅是一个危险的小说,但它给了我许多courages实际上,它让我勇敢地面对现实,没有成为海龟是害怕进入麻烦胆怯! 同学们,让我们接触这个奇特的海底在一起,有一个期待的海底森林,珊瑚王国,神秘的地下宝藏和沉船残骸!还有一些许多新的刺激的事情等待我们理解。



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