[《百万富翁》读后感]《百万富翁》:送给挣扎中的你我。 昨天晚上和几个身在不同城市的同学聊天,当大家提到读书时,很多人表示现在几乎不怎么读书,感叹之余,有人希望介绍本书来读,恰巧前不久读过一本励...+阅读
影片一开始是一群生活在贫民窟的孩子在所谓的“私人领地”完他们的棒球而遭警卫的驱逐。在追逐中,孩子显得是那么的天真,他们还没有认识这个世界的虚伪与黑暗,贫富所带来的罪与恶!他们还在憧憬未来的时候一场突如其来的宗教冲突使他们不得不回到这个残酷的现实世界中。而在此时,命中注定的女主角拉提卡出现,命运以为他们定下契约,三个火枪手的故事将再度重演! 命运总是那么喜欢与人开玩笑,3个火枪手被利用儿童乞讨敛财的犯罪集团首领普努斯所带走,他们用残忍的手段来弄瞎孩子的眼睛。当普努斯准备以同样的方法来诱骗贾马尔时,被亲眼目睹这一切的哥哥舍利姆所带走逃跑。兄弟二人跳上火车逃跑,拉提卡追奔而至,然而最终舍利姆将手松开,拉提卡最终成为贾马尔的痛和遗憾!两个天真的小孩,在黑暗虚伪的...影片一开始是一群生活在贫民窟的孩子在所谓的“私人领地”完他们的棒球而遭警卫的驱逐。
在追逐中,孩子显得是那么的天真,他们还没有认识这个世界的虚伪与黑暗,贫富所带来的罪与恶!他们还在憧憬未来的时候一场突如其来的宗教冲突使他们不得不回到这个残酷的现实世界中。而在此时,命中注定的女主角拉提卡出现,命运以为他们定下契约,三个火枪手的故事将再度重演! 命运总是那么喜欢与人开玩笑,3个火枪手被利用儿童乞讨敛财的犯罪集团首领普努斯所带走,他们用残忍的手段来弄瞎孩子的眼睛。当普努斯准备以同样的方法来诱骗贾马尔时,被亲眼目睹这一切的哥哥舍利姆所带走逃跑。兄弟二人跳上火车逃跑,拉提卡追奔而至,然而最终舍利姆将手松开,拉提卡最终成为贾马尔的痛和遗憾!两个天真的小孩,在黑暗虚伪的社会中慢慢长大。好不容易找到拉提卡时,普路斯的出现给3个火枪手带来个新的麻烦,最终舍利姆在无奈中开枪!普路斯的死亡并没有让卡提卡和贾马尔在一起!此时舍利姆背叛友情与亲情,在背叛中,舍利姆走上不归路。
What I feel for this movie isn't just admiration, it's mad love. And I couldn't be more surprised. The plot reeks of uplift: An illiterate slum kid from Mumbai goes on the local TV version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and comes off like a brainiac. Who wants to see that? Final answer: You do. Slumdog Millionaire has the goods to bust out as a scrappy contender in the Oscar race. It's modern India standing in for a world in full economic spin. It's an explosion of color and light with the darkness ever ready to invade. It's a family film of shocking brutality, a romance haunted by sexual abuse, a fantasy of wealth fueled by crushing poverty.You won't find many fairy tales that open with a graphic torture scene. The cops think 18-year-old Jamal Malik (a sensational Dev Patel) is a fraud. Goaded by the show's host (the superb Anil Kapoor), the police inspector (Irrfan Khan) is determined to beat the truth out of Jamal before he goes back on the show and hits the jackpot of 20 million rupees. Presumably this is not the way Regis Philbin ran things when the show hit America in 1999.Brimming with humor and heartbreak, Slumdog Millionaire meets at the border of art and commerce and lets one flow into the other as if that were the natural order of things. Sweet. Screenwriter Simon Beaufoy (The Full Monty) brings focus to Q & A, the episodic Vikas Swarup novel on which the film is based. Still, the MVP here is Danny Boyle, who directs the film brilliantly. Boyle is the Irish-Catholic working-class Brit who put his surreal mark on zombies (28 Days Later) and smack addicts (Trainspotting), and made us see ourselves in their blood wars. Those movies were so potent, as was his 1994 debut, Shallow Grave, that we looked the other way when Boyle went Hollywood with The Beach and screwed up with A Life Less Ordinary. Somehow we knew that Boyle had the stuff to work miracles.Here's the proof. We learn the history of Jamal and the other principal characters in flashbacks, as Jamal answers questions on the TV show not from book knowledge — he has none — but his own life experiences. Jamal is searching for two people from his childhood: his wild older brother Salim (an outstanding Madhur Mittal), now a thief and killer, and his adored Latika (the achingly lovely Freida Pinto), now stepping up from child prostitute to plaything of a gangster. Every incident, including the brothers' watching their mother die in an anti-Muslim riot, feeds into Jamal's answers on the show. OK, the concept bends coincidence to the breaking point. But Jamal's traumatic youth is his lifeline. Boyle makes magic realism part of the film's fabric, the essential part that lets in hope without compromising integrity.Anthony Dod Mantle uses compact digital cameras to move with speed and stealth through the slums and palaces of Mumbai. The film is a visual wonder, propelled by A.R. Rahman's hip-hopping score and Chris Dickens' kinetic editing. The whoosh of action and romance pulls you in, but it's the bruised characters who hold you there. Every step Jamal takes toward his final answer could get him killed. Even in the Bollywood musical number that ends the film, joy and pain are still joined in the dance. The no-bull honesty of Slumdog Millionaire hits you hard. It's the real deal. No cheating.
贫民窟的百万富翁英文读后感贫民窟的百万富翁英文读后感 The whole story tells us that anyone he a chance to succeed if we he faith in ourselves and stick to it,never give up! No matter how...
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