
求小王子 300字读后感

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[读《小王子》有感]这就象花一样。九象网13: .9xwang.如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花,那么夜间,你看着天空就感到甜蜜愉快,所有的星星上都好象开着花。小王子失去他的脚踝遍山了一道黄光。...+阅读

求小王子 300字读后感

驯养爱情 ——读《小王子》有感 ——这是一个早已被人遗忘的词语,像我所要讲述的故事那样并没有什么规定的意义。 爱上小王子的狐狸这样解释这个词,驯养即建立关系。从此狐狸不再是普通的狐狸,王子也不再是普通的王子。他们互相需要,依依不舍是对方的唯一。幸福的感觉就是王子说他四点钟会来看狐狸,于是狐狸从三点就开始感到愉快,时间的流逝会令它感到越来越兴奋,直到他看见王子的金发从麦田的另一边渐渐地离它越来越近。 可是狐狸忽略了另一种情况,王子可能会去见他中意的一位公主,而并非一只长着要用在婚礼上献给新娘裘皮的的动物。王子或许成功地驯养了狐狸却没有与它建立它所期盼的关系,或者说没有驯养爱情。 不过我们像所有的成年人一样并不相信这个故事,女人们教育她们的女儿说世界上并没有王子只有王XX和装成王子王XX。

而她们的女儿也不是公主,只是和她们一样的小巫婆和自以为是公主的巫婆。 当我们想要了解这个世界的时候,我们开始拿周围的人做实验,我们会问不同的人同样的问题,或是与不同的人玩相同的游戏,然后根据他们做出的回答或反应的差异判断这个人是不是我们的同类,思考应对这些自己以外的人的态度。后来这一光荣的历程变成了一种职业——心理医生。这使长大变得很不真实,商业气息十足。于是我们背离了成熟的轨迹,最终被周围的人送去见这些自认为可以帮助我们长大的家伙。 当然了长大并不完全是好事或不好的事,它像所有的事情一样具有两面性。当我们抛开了自认为惨淡的童年回忆时或许有许多孩子正经历着这些,而这很大程度上是由我们造成的。在孩子们眼里我们和其他大人并没有什么不同。

我们总是在抱怨对生活的不满,却忘记了生活和工作本身就是一种享受,就如同抚养一个孩子,我们为他操心、劳累也因而得到一个难忘的过程。狐狸不会向王子抱怨他驯养它的目的,因为它得到了一份去爱别人的感受。或许这份感受并不完全是美好的,但是它一定是难忘的。 爱情原本就是很难被驯服的,虽然在很多时候我们并不知道要将它玩弄在手心需要付出怎样的代价。它就像一个炽热的火球,你把它捧上手心或许可以温暖你冰冷开裂的双手,但同时你也要做好被它灼伤的准备。即使这样仍有很人多妄想能够将它制服,将它训练成如普通宠物般听话乖巧的玩物,好让他们得到温暖的同时又不受伤害。但是人们始终忘却了一点这种情愫原本就不是普通之物,宠物或许可以通过世世代代的驯养让其变得温顺乖巧,而爱情素来就是一匹奔驰在心田中的野马,如若硬要为它套上绳索,拉紧缰绳,那它必定会拼命挣扎,使你遍体鳞伤. 其实在爱情面前我们同样都是长不大的孩子,不分年岁,不论阅历。



---------------------------------------英文---------------------------------When the "Coca-Cola boy" broadcast last title, my mind for a long time fixed in such a picture: actress opens the door to go out, see the Coca-Cola boy sitting on the parapet,holding her little daughter, three people showed a warm smile. At that moment, I suddenly feel, this is not only a comedy, a drama, a love story, is a full of profound meaning of educational films. As a comedy, "Coca-Cola boy" comedy effect is not very strong. I think it is used only to make this part contains a serious proposition moviestogether is relaxed and cheerful. "Coca-Cola boy" as adrama, the plot is no cheat, step between other dramarivals. The drama plot is mainly: senior marketers a Coca Cola Co in the company meeting found that Coca-Cola's market share in a remote valley town of UM Leah there is zero while the region's people drink is a kind of soft drinks,local, is intolerable to the deeply American culture of Coca-Cola. For, so he began to enter the region, and carried out a series of strategies, and ultimately make the area a small corner of the vast territory not worth mentioning Coca-Colaempire. The f. The first Coca-Cola man risked his life in trying to close to Mcdowell, but almost be Mcdowell's shotgun sweep, added indignity drive fled. The secondCoca-Cola boy tied the Mcdowell sent to protest employeescame in front of Mcdowell, finally have the chance to visit his factory, but the stubborn old man still refused to allowCoca Cola Co to divide a cup of a thick soup. Even to theCoca Cola Co asked Coca-Cola into his brand has become a new brand of mccole, the results of the two sides part.The last Coca-Cola kid to annex Mcdowell in cooperation with capital means personal capital at the same time, theculture as the assistant, the America music with the local ethnic elements mixed into a new music as Coca-Cola localadvertising, the final success. In the whole process of marketing, Coca-Cola kid for that purpose unremittinglyspirit worth our learning. When we encounter setbacks in the process of marketing, unremittingly often is a prerequisite for marketing success. When we encounter setbacks in the process of marketing, unremittingly often is a prerequisite for marketing success. And the marketing of Coca-Cola small end success depends on the cooperation of capital at the same time take cultural means. This is themore advanced means of marketing. Coca-Cola willintegrate into local culture, way of life. When the drink Coca-Cola become this idea has become the consensus of all people an advanced way of life, marketing willimperceptibly be accomplished. Cultural marketing methodsare worth learning. As a love story, "Coca-Cola boy" plotpoint falls in the convention. Coca-Cola boy female secretary fell in love with him, and he began a series of pursuit. Only the pursuit of efficiency, to be indifferent toother Coca-Cola boy finds herself falling in love with thelittle monkey business secretary. The dramatic, female secretary is soft drinks boss Mcdowell 7 years no daughter.Mcdowell's wife is a Coca-Cola salesman, because theyclaim the opposite, and stubbornness and self-willedMcdowell, his wife Dutch act, the daughter ran away from home. Even Coca-Cola kid a tour of the factory, Mcdowellpointed to his wife's portrait said to him: "I love him, but I hate her!". I can be half make fun of the whole moviesummed up as: even two generation Coca-Cola salesmanwith local soft drink and its daughter boss emotional entanglements history. When the 7 years no daughter stillrefused to meet with Mcdowell, Mcdowell heart have mixed feelings. At last he will own factory and factory on fire andto die, he shouted to the firefighters arrived: "this is my factory, I have the right to dispose of his!". Finally Coca-Cola marketing successful Coca-Cola boy is not happy, he finally chose to give up her career and life together withfemale secretary. Educational films I think, is to "Coca-Cola boy" of drama and romance film properties and together.Very relaxed this movie style, so the education will notseem so serious. The opposition between Coca Cola Co and Mcdowell soft drink factory struggle actually represents a America and Australia two culture, two kinds of attitude.When the foreign culture with the irresistible like great scourges to hit you, how would you choose? Is the same as Mcdowell unable to destroy the opponents will destroy yourself? All rivers run into sea or in mind it is satisfied aspart of their own? Instead, when you take the alien culture and the conflict of the culture, will not spare none? When the enterprise and love can not ha...










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