

05月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[安徒生童话英文读后感]安徒生童话英文读后感 (一) I didn't read fairy tales of children For a long time, when drop "Anderson fairy tale, so surprised himself unexpectedly so fascinating...+阅读








On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of

Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fisherman's will in the

novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting

spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost

the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big

fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few

days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's

own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win ,

does not give up yet.

读阿拉丁和神灯有感英文 50字左右

写作思路:把你读完后的感受写下来。Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp introduced: government minister, although already had one, is above, have millions of people, but he is not filled, attempt to usurp the throne. Poor young Aladdin met the minister sent to kill the emperor, and he unconsciously in a leather bag, adjustable so upset the prime minister's plan. Subsequently, honest and good Aladdin and cunning and greed of prime minister cheat to have boundless mana absolute being light. When he returned the absolute being light, the prime minister's trick stumbled, so he LianHuanJi use opportunely, in the light of god's help prime ministers will become a puppy.This fairy tale told us a reason: the greedy man is not good, Honest, kindhearted people must be god. You only have to learn a second kind people, all will be more beautiful and harmonious!《阿拉丁和神灯》记叙了:当朝宰相贪欲不足,虽已是一人之下,万人之上,拥有百万身家,但他还不满足,企图篡夺王位。贫穷少年阿拉丁碰见了宰相派去刺杀皇上的人,在不知不觉中和他调了一个牛皮袋,因此而打乱了宰相的计划。随后,诚实善良的阿拉丁又被狡猾而又贪心的宰相骗去拿拥有无边法力的神灯。当他拿回了神灯,无意间发现了宰相的诡计,于是,他巧用连环计,在灯神的帮助下将宰相变成了一条小狗。这童话故事告诉我们一个道理:贪心的人是不会有好下场的;诚实善良的人,一定会被上天善待。大家只有都学习第二种人,天下才会更加美好、和谐!作文写作方法








All all loved fairy tale of the person all know "Snow White" this article fairy tale, dielectric often people will only consider story emotional development, but have never really understand its meaning. "Snow White" tells the story of such: long long ago, a queen in beautiful and charming winter gave birth to a beautiful daughter, named "Snow White". But soon the queen died after, the king took a beautiful woman, very proud, specially will envy somebody else, she doesn't like others said than her beautiful woman. She has a magic mirror, she often ask who is the most beautiful woman, the mirror always says she. But one day, the mirror says the Snow White princess than her beauty a thousand times, therefore, more and more she hated his daughter, let the hunter took her to the forest and kill, gotta get lung and liver to proof, but the hunter sympathy for her, give her to go, take the baby's lungs and liver but pretend to be, the queen was cheated. Snow White in the forest in recognizing the seven dwarves, but he soon queen knew she was still alive, and then trying to trap her, eventually queen triumph, she is very satisfied. But soon after, a prince revived the Snow White princess and performed the wedding ceremony, the queen she died. "Snow White" tells a evil queen because of jealousy Snow White, ways to calculate her, he ultimately but gets recompense. From the story, we can see that the queen is jealous, ruthless caused her consequences, which can be used to see people different. In the real life, so it is the interaction between people, When you find a job, because your outstanding achievement, be boss what mattered to promote you, step by step, but somebody always reminded her: "one day she will rob you of position." For your beware of more and more serious, when you compete for the same position and, behind play all means, use all available means getting the better of you, but eventually fail often is him. This proof, god of people very fair, you set your mind to do forever belong to you, Exhausted means do leave you forever, life is just like this! "Good guys weihaobao; the wicked shall reap." You put your mind to treat each person or every thing, get you should get; Use means treat each person or every thing, you should get the right reward of their evil-doing. Say goodbye to the past, summon the future. 凡是所有喜爱童话故事的人都知道《白雪公主》这一篇童话故事,介往往人们只会考虑故事情绪的发展,却从未真正理解它的真实含义。





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