

06月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[为奴十二年观后感]为奴十二年观后感 一个诚实的、正直的人,相信政府和社会是公正与正义的一个人,被诱骗进入一个暗无天日的境地,在亲身经历了一件又一件的充满血腥暴力的事件,而且被鞭挞了一次又...+阅读


你看这个行不行!12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen is on those authors whose movies will be remembered for many, many decades. This movie, just like Shame and Hunger, goes beyond the masterful aesthetic of the picture and camera to a sober, solid and honest drama about a free man who is kidnapped and sold into slavery on the United States. 12 Years a Slave embodies by nature the characteristics required to be considered an award winning movie, that is sure, but the movie goes a lot further and disconnects itself from that award aura. The north-American slavery theme is not a recurring one in cinema, even if the recent Django Unchained walked those steps one year ago. McQueen proposes a well paced movie that chooses feeling over gore, atmosphere over shock. The movie develops and gets better over time, presenting a lot of well written real characters that end up being shadowed by Chiwetel Ejiofor and Michael Fassbender's unbelievable performances, only matched by Cate Blanchett's Blue Jasmine this year. 12 Years a Slave is not an easy movie to sit through, nor is it a particularly hard one. It is, above the drama, a contemplative movie that respects the audience. This is not a candy to chew on, but a gourmet dish to look at before tasting.


12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen is on those authors whose movies will be remembered for many, many decades. This movie, just like Shame and Hunger, goes beyond the masterful aesthetic of the picture and camera to a sober, solid and honest drama about a free man who is kidnapped and sold into slavery on the United States. 12 Years a Slave embodies by nature the characteristics required to be considered an award winning movie, that is sure, but the movie goes a lot further and disconnects itself from that award aura. The north-American slavery theme is not a recurring one in cinema, even if the recent Django Unchained walked those steps one year ago. McQueen proposes a well paced movie that chooses feeling over gore, atmosphere over shock. The movie develops and gets better over time, presenting a lot of well written real characters that end up being shadowed by Chiwetel Ejiofor and Michael Fassbender's unbelievable performances, only matched by Cate Blanchett's Blue Jasmine this year. 12 Years a Slave is not an easy movie to sit through, nor is it a particularly hard one. It is, above the drama, a contemplative movie that respects the audience. This is not a candy to chew on, but a gourmet dish to look at before tasting.


Friend is important in our life.A good friendship can influence us in our whole life.A good friend can help you when you in trouble.A good friend can help you when you in danger.But a bad friend may frame you up.A bad friend can betray you when you really need him.So you must pay more attention to your friends and make a judge.Keep a good friendship for ever,and keep away from bad friends away.


为奴十二年观后感1000字作文12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen is on those authors whose movies will be remembered for many, many decades. This movie, just like Shame and Hunger, goes...

为奴十二年影评250字本片绝不是说什么黑人民族的人心扭曲,失去尊严,顺从。 罪恶的奴隶制需要铭记,自由、平等是同为人类最基本的权利,大爱之心、怜悯之心应是人之常情。 观看《为奴十二年》之前已经...

电影为奴十二年故事Solomon Northup(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 饰)本来是一个自由人,以演奏小提琴为生,有一个妻子和两个孩子,生活其乐融融。不料他却被两个白人以为马戏团表演伴奏所骗,去...

为奴十二年怎么样最早对于奴隶的印象,来自于《乱世佳人》,那里面的奴隶一个个都有斯德哥尔摩症,因此让我误以为林肯发动南北奴隶战争就是一场巨大的错误。 后来看了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,才明白,《...

为奴十二年历史背景《为奴十二年》是麦奎因叙事风格的延续。他虽将故事放在了南北战争前蓄奴严重的美国南部,却无意于刻划那个宏大的历史段落,只将时间缩小为十二年。 通过这个名叫所罗门的黑人...



美国白人如何看待为奴十二年这部电影《为奴十二年》是导演史蒂夫·麦奎因根据Solomon Northup的真人真事改编的剧情电影,由切瓦特·埃加福特,迈克尔·法斯宾德,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,布拉德·皮特等主演。 影片时...

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