

07月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《金银岛》读后感]《金银岛》写的是离奇而浪漫的海上冒险故事。 本书的小主人翁吉姆,在偶然的机会下,得到了金银岛的藏宝图。有钱的乡绅屈利劳尼先生买了一艘名叫“伊斯班袅拉”号的大帆船,和李...+阅读


想必大家都有读过一本有名的名著——《金银岛》。这本书里,从头到尾都围绕着一个冒险故事旋转,在这里面一个少年出生在一个贫穷的家里,以开着酒店维持生计。那个少年就是主人公吉姆.霍金斯。他无意之中发现了老海盗藏着金银财宝的荒岛地图。于是,他与别的朋友商量,他的朋友带着一群水手踏上了探宝之旅。但是不久,他们船中的一群水手叛变,就此双方的激烈对战开始,他们与敌人展开了惊心动魄搏斗。最后,由于各个船员的努力,胜利落向了吉姆这一方,不久,他们载着金银财宝兴高采烈的满载而归回到了家乡。 虽然我没有亲身去到那儿冒险,但是在我的脑海中,总能浮出一丝景象,吉姆他那正直的面孔总能出现,在他身边他是显得那么的高尚、善良、勇敢,他总是能制服海盗,取得胜利,他是多么勇敢!当我听到他这句话时震撼得全身发抖,如这一段……我们看见陆地的那天夜里,我就在苹果桶里,我听到了你——约翰,还有你——迪克.约翰逊,还有汉兹,他现在是在海底了,我还在一小时内,把你们说的每句话都报告了。

至于纵帆船吗,使我割断了船的缆索,是我杀死了你们留在船上的人,是……就当我看到这些的时候我心里十分震撼一个少年能有那么大的勇气说出这些,这让我很佩服。 当然我有佩服的人也有愤恨的人,例如西尔弗为代表的人物,在他们的身上体现的都是虚伪、非分、邪恶的,他们为了自己而杀死别人的性命,他们没有为自己所做的事情感到愧疚,而是更猖狂。越想到金钱脑子空空,仅剩下杀人的念头,想一个接一个的把人喉管割破,横行霸道。让我的脑子里全部浮现出他们带着一双凶恶的眼睛恐怖的狞笑拿着水手短刀疯狂的杀了很多人,只是为了自己的利益而丧失人性。 虽然,这篇小说以假乱真,但是他的作品中体现善良与邪恶之间的尖锐对抗,所以我觉得故事警告着我们干什么都不能自私,因为那是在你人生路上的错路,而吉姆他们身上体现是一种正义为代表的精神财富。

Thought that everybody has read a famous famous work - - "Money Island". In this book, is revolving an adventurous story revolving from beginning to end, a youth is born inside this in a poor family, hotel maintenance livelihood. That youth is leading character Jim. Horkins. In he had no intention to discover the old pirate was hiding the wealth desert island map. Therefore, he discussed with other friend that his friend led group of sailors to step searched travel of the treasure. But soon, in their ship's group of sailors revolt, both sides to fight the start intensely in light of this, they have launched the soul-stirring fight with the enemy. Finally, as a result of each crew's endeavor, won agily to Jim this side, soon, they carried the wealth jubilantly to return home with a full load returned to the hometown. although I do not have to go to take risk by oneself to there, but in mine mind, can always emerge a picture, Jim he that honest face can always appear, he is appears in his side such noble, is good, is brave, he can always the uniform pirate, gain the victory, he is how brave! When I hear his these words shocks shakes all over, like this section ......We see the land that night, I in the Ping fruit crate, I have heard your - - John, but also has your - - Dick. Johnson, but also has Chinese this, he now was in the seabed, I also in one hour, each words which said you reported. As for the schooner, caused me to cut off ship's cable, was I kills you to keep on ship's person, was ......On when me saw these time I shock a youth to be able at heart to have that big courage to say these, this let me admire very much. I have certainly admiring human who the human also has resenting, for example Silver for representative's character, manifests on theirs body is false, presumptuous, evil, they kill others for the life, they the matter which does for oneself have not felt guilty, but is wilder. More thought that money brain empty, is only left over the murder the thought that wants one after the other to lacerate the person throat, is domineering and tyrannical. Let in my brain reappear they to have a rogue eye terror completely to grin fiendishly takes the sailor short sword crazily to kill many people, was only loses the human nature for own benefit. although , this novel confuses falsehood with the truth, but between his work manifests good and is evil the incisive resistance, therefore I thought that the story was warning we do anything not to be able to be selfish, because that is in your way out wrong road, but Jim they on the body manifest are one kind of justice for representative's spiritual wealth.


"The old man and the sea" created a classic tough guy image. A man named sangdeya brother Cuban old fisherman, a man fishing alone in the 48 days after, have gained nothing caught a huge marlin. This is the old man never seen nor heard a big fish said his boat was two feet longer than the. Jin also big fish, dragging the boat drift for two days and two nights, the elderly have never experienced a difficult test in this two days and two nights, finally the barb, tied to the bow. But then they met a shark, the old man and the sharks were life-and-death struggle, the big marlin was eaten by sharks, fish skeleton old man finally dragged home only a bare.Why not let the elderly Hemingway final victory? Novel in the words of the elderly: "a person is not born to be defeated", "a man can be destroyed, but not defeated." This is the "old man and the sea" to reveal the philosophy. Undeniably, as long as one would have defects. When a person recognizes this shortcoming and tried to overcome it and not go to it, no matter finally caught a full marlin or an empty skeleton, which have not really matter, because a person's life has value in the hunt Marlins in the process of fully embodied. Have their own pursuit of the ideal, struggle, he is not a winner? The old fisherman is wrong and the courage to challenge their own courage and confidence. Secular outlook from the perspective of victory, the old fisherman is not the final winner, because even though he began to beat the big marlin, but eventually the big marlin let sharks eat, he just took the big marlin bones house back to shore, that is to say, the shark is the winner. However, in the eyes of idealists, the old fisherman is a winner, because he has never been to sea to the big marlin sharks more compromise and not to surrender. As music master Beethoven said, "I can be destroyed, but can never be conquered".Human nature is a powerful, humanity itself has its own limits, but it is because of the old fisherman such people again and again to challenge the limits, beyond them, this limit was extended again and again, and again a greater challenge in front of human beings. In this sense, the old fisherman sangdeya brother this hero, whether they challenge limit is success or failure, is always worthy of our respect. Because, he brings us is the most noble human self-confidence!Life is an endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs, but, as long as he has a brave and confident heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!《老人与海》塑造了一个经典的硬汉形象。

古巴的一个名叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的48天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼大劲也大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把大鱼刺死,拴在船头。然而这时却遇上了鲨鱼,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,结果大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架。海明威为什么没有让老人最终胜利呢? 用小说中老人的话来说:“一个人并不是生来就要被打败的”,“人尽可以被毁灭,但却不能被打败。”这就是《老人与海》想揭示的哲理。不可否认,只要是人就都会有缺陷。当一个人承认了这个缺陷并努力去战胜它而不是去屈从它的时候,无论最后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼还是一副空骨架,这都已经无所谓了,因为一个人的生命价值已在那追捕马林鱼的过程中充分地体现了。




If you give me three days light "Du Hougan "If you give me three days light" is Helen Keller's prose masterpiece, her waist in a delicate woman's perspective,warned the ablebodied people should cherish life, cherish all the gift of the creator. The book systematically introduces her rich, vivid, true and great life. When she was 19 months old, because of a serious illness, and has since become a blind and deafpeople. But she with amazing perseverance and created many unbelievable Miracles: she not only learned the languages, but also to the University of Cambridge, and won the admiration of people all over the world. Time is money. Helen Keller is hoping to have three days of light to look at all of the landscape of the world. However,this was only a dream. If people live each day as the how good the last day ah, it shows the value of life better, but people use time and enjoy the time is limited; if everyone can make full use of every day, it will be a very happy thingah! The three day of light, for the ordinary people just a brief moment in life. For the blind Helen, is to think and can not.The first day, she wanted to see the people, people'skindness, gentleness and companionship have made her life worth living. She wanted to use visual, seize theappearance of a person's face, the inner nature of a friend or acquaintance; second days, she tries to get up before dawn, to see the night into day moving miracle, she will bein awe, look up to the magnificent panorama of light; the last day. She would have no time to spend on regret and desire, she want from Long Island folasite starting small and quiet suburb, surrounded by green grass ornamental!. If she were still visible the next day, she tried to use a lot of time to view the river scene is lively. At midnight, the moment she get rid of blindness would cease, and permanent night would close to her again. Inthe short span of three days, she can't see everything, shewant to see however, her heart was filled with sweet memories! Then, when she felt a thing, her memory willclearly reflects the object image. I believe, if we are really faced that fate, we will focus on thethings you had never seen before, and they are stored in memory, used for the long night ahead. We will be better than ever use your eyes. We can see a beautiful world is how be not easily won, now! So Helen Keller, although blind, but she can use her disabled body write "if give me three days light" so famous in the world of books. And wehave a healthy body, bright eyes, what reason not to strive,not to create your own life?


《金银岛》读书笔记英国作家史蒂文森的《金银岛》是我很喜欢的一部作品,寒假里,我又读了一遍,对其中的小主人公吉姆又有了新的认识。 《金银岛》主要写了吉姆等人去金银岛寻宝,经过刻苦努力,战胜了...

金银岛读后感金银岛读后感 这个暑假里,妈妈给我买了本书,名字是《金银岛》。我非常喜欢。 在这本书里有很多有趣的故事,我常常不知不觉进入其中,感觉自己就是一个爱冒险的小男孩。虽然我未曾...

金银岛读后感 300字《金银岛》读后感 今天,我终于在网上把《金银岛》这本书读完了。它以少年吉姆·霍金斯自述的口吻,讲述了一个海岛寻宝,与可恶海盗斗智斗勇的冒险故事。 吉姆原本是一家小旅店店...


金银岛读后感400字金银岛读后感 这个礼拜,我读了由英国的作家史蒂文森写的一本《金银岛》让我有了很多的好奇心。 《金银岛》描述了一个海岛寻宝的冒险故事,主人公吉姆是本鲍旅店的小主人,他心地...


金银岛的读后感金银岛的读后感,金银岛读后感急求!!!!读《金银岛》读后感 ——善良与邪恶的人 想必大家都有读过一本有名的名著——《金银岛》。这本书里,从头到尾都围绕着一个冒险故事旋转,在这里...

谁有金银岛的读后感谁有金银岛的读后感,金银岛这本书的读后感:《金银岛》读后感 最近,我读了一本著名探险故事书,它便是史帝文生所著的《金银岛》了。故事发生在十八世纪,杰夫.何金斯是一个小男孩,他...

求金银岛读后感求金银岛读后感,读后感:读《金银岛》读后感 ——善良与邪恶的人 想必大家都有读过一本有名的名著——《金银岛》。这本书里,从头到尾都围绕着一个冒险故事旋转,在这里面一个少年...
