

09月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文简历自我评价请帮忙翻译成英文]take responsibility, easy going, communicate with others well and a team building player. Skilled with office software such as word, excel and powerpoint. Learn...+阅读


Reading of the impressions Einstein's biography

This week, i read a biography of the Einstein, can benefit greatly from this book.

I think the most impressive part is the time of Einstein's advanced.He should have no pension, but he still persist in research, this is great!

Biography, he was 15 April deterioration was forced to hospitalization.But he got to the hospital, then let relatives put his 老花镜, pens, a letter does not have finished writing letters and one that is not finished computing to the hospital to continue to be completed.When he was severely ill, he still optimistically: “ everyone near death, at this point, has always been equal.Who's seen a dead man's pain there or ” dampered work!

18 April, that great heart stopped beating.Can people in bed, you can find several copies of the manuscript is not completed.

How great it! to mankind, in order to Science Careers Hospice or into the work, desperate ..... too touched! if you changed me, i will certainly be selfish to: disease will get better? i'll rehabilitation? operation to succeed? how long i can live ..... appears will be a series of illness problems, there won't be any question of the work.Einstein everywhere i went, always concerned about the science of the contribution of science careers more admirable!

I and Einstein than that too far.

Is ill, and finish your homework early bed.Mama says: “ Hsin Hsin, Clarisse lessons together or backward to other classmates.” can i do not appreciate the spoiled: “ MOM, others have a hard time, you give me rest.There is no evading ” mother, just shakes his head and sigh walked away.I was delighted! you know i 've never been so clear.Then go to school, i sure enough it was behind than others.Oh had realized?

Read the Einstein law, i have to learn the spirit of Einstein's tough, not abandoned precious time


首先鄙视在我下面那位乱发回答的人,连题目都不看, 正文 笨鸟先飞”《爱因斯坦的故事》 爱因斯坦——一个伟大的物理学家,也就是“相对论”的创立者:阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦。有可能会有人觉得爱因斯坦会比别人稍微聪明一些;也有人觉得他可能是别的普通人的能力强很多;其实不然,爱因斯坦出生时还要比普通人迟钝许多呢! 当时,很多人都觉得他很笨,可是,他们谁也没有想到,当时呆头呆脑的爱因斯坦会成为如今闻名世界伟大的物理学家,是啊!他们都只看到了爱因斯坦的缺点,谁也没有去注意他的过人之处,虽然爱因斯坦3岁时还不会说话,可是就是4岁时,父亲给他的一个罗盘,给了他启发,改变了他那(我自己认为)‘枯燥’的命运…… 爱因斯坦虽说不是很聪明,可是他也有他的过人之处,那就是:他很爱动脑筋,遇到不明白的问题他会问老师,同学,或者家长,如果实在找不到解决问题的根源,那他便连续几天饭吃不饱,穿不暖…这样的情况直到维持到把这个办法解决为止。

12岁那时,爱因斯坦的叔叔又给小爱因斯坦出了一道物理难题,叫做勾股定理,让爱因斯坦来证明这条定理,爱因斯坦花了3个星期的时间,终于“功夫不负有心人”,把这个难题解决了,要知道,爱因斯坦那时才12岁啊! 爱因斯坦也曾经自己回忆过:“主要的弱点是记忆力差,特别苦于记单词和课文。”爱因斯坦虽然有少许的不及它人,可是,爱因斯坦却懂得勤学苦练,乐于探索,有所发现,更能究根问底——善于探索,乐于发现,也是爱因斯坦的成功秘诀之一。 满意么?满意请选最佳











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