

09月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小说英语读后感]小说英语读后感 ——《最后一片叶子》读后感 The last leaf is symbol of the leaf of life. It is the most treasured gift from an old artist! The story des...+阅读


Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novels about the sea. Moby-Dick (1851), the story of the fanatical Captain Ahab and his hunt for the great white whale of the title, is now considered one of the classics of American literature. Melville's other novels include Typee (1846), Omoo (1847), and Billy Budd (published posthumously in 1924). Melville published little after 1860 and it wasn't until the 1900s that he gained his reputation as one of early America's great authors.


(一) 五花肉切成小块,方方正正,每块都有皮有肥瘦肉,烧一小锅水,把肉块放进去煮5分钟,煮出血污与浮沫,取出来冲洗干净,沥干水。 (其实应该是把肉块放到锅里,煎炸,将肉里的油脂逼出来,煎炸到肉块四面都呈金黄色) 平底不沾锅里倒少许油,倒入白糖2汤匙,小火慢慢地炒化,当糖化成糖浆,渐渐溶化炒成浅褐色时,倒入肉块,使每块肉都沾上糖色,加入料酒2汤匙、生抽1汤匙、老抽1汤匙、干辣椒3-5只,八角2小瓣、桂皮1片,葱2根、淹过肉的温水,先大火煮开,盖上盖,转小火慢慢地炖啊炖,炖约1小时,中间每隔20分钟得去看一看火,用筷子翻动一下肉块,到最后10分钟,汤汁大约还剩2/5,转大火收汁,轻轻地晃动一下锅子,防止糊底,当汁收稠,油旺旺,酱色充足的红烧肉就炖好了。

三种红烧肉的做法 第一种


2、锅里放油(多放点),热后放入糖(白糖也可)一勺(可多放点),炒到糊为止(这时候锅里应该在冒浓烟,别怕)。 倒入切好的肉和调料(厚片的姜、成瓣(不要弄碎)的蒜头、桂皮、干辣椒、八角、橙子皮(非陈皮)),大火爆炒三分钟,这时肉变成了深红色;



5、在口水滴到锅里前把菜上桌,并在别人不知道的前提下偷偷地再吃一块。 第二种 红烧肉可说是一家常菜,不同地方,不同人,做法肯定不一样。 买肉一定要买带皮的五花肉,肥肉、瘦肉基本各占一半,一定要带猪皮,不然干脆不做。 肉洗净切方块,2厘米见方,不用水焯,直接拿锅倒油适量(俺用花生油),油热后放肉入锅,炸! 炸这道工序少不得,一是将肥肉里的猪油*出,吃起来不腻,二是可增加肉的香味(个人体验…………火不要太猛),炸到肉的外表有些金黄,停火,肉捞出,油倒出。

另起锅,倒油适量,放入葱、姜、花椒煸炒,特别提醒,要放大蒜,略拍,去皮,不用切,整个放入,份量至少一头,一起煸炒至出香味,然后很重要——别忘放糖!冰糖最好,白糖也行,至少1汤匙,(俺是放2匙,)不用怕放多,肉是喜糖的。接着倒入酱油,不要太多。 动作要快,不然糖会糊的。 熬出汁后,倒入炸好的肉,翻炒一下,倒入清水(有骨头汤最好了,可惜俺没工夫熬),然后——上高压锅!(要是有时间,或没高压锅,那就慢慢炖吧,至少一小时,越烂越好,期间别忘添水)。

高压锅里的水以略没过肉即可,加盐,加大料,大火烧开,盖上盖焖煮25分钟后,停火自然冷却,没压力后打开盖,再开火收汁,汁浓后,加味精一点,停火出锅,香 第三种 白肉切成适当大小的块。 然后在开水里焯5分钟捞出来,去腥臊味,去浮沫!(秘方:加些白酒最好!) 调料先准备好:花椒、大料、桂皮、姜、葱、料酒、酱油 炒锅里放少许油,下白砂糖,炒糖色。

搪色炒成就要立马下准备好的调料,下入肉块!(稍微一有冒泡的意思就要下东西了!) 随个人喜好还可以放些干辣椒进去一起炒,颜色可以鲜艳一些,口感也会丰富些 上好了颜色,就可以加水了,然后等水烧开~~~ 水开后,将火放小炖着就可以了!(我个人经验是两小时) 等水剩不多了,放盐,大火收汁即可! 家传红烧肉 没在别处吃过这样作法, 小试厨刀, 朋友们都说好吃, 在此公布一下作法 五花肉一磅, 切成二三厘米见方的小块, 再两面各切几刀(为了进味, 若懒可省), 用好酱油(国内时不分生老抽, 在这儿我都是混着用), 加入糖, 葱花配成汁, 把肉放入喂上两个小时(最好时不时地翻一下)。

烧半锅油, 待热将肉块一一放入炸约半分钟, 取出。 烧小半锅水, 加入八角, 大料, 及先前配成的汁, 等水开加肉加入小火煨一个小时即成。 特点: 肉香味十足且非常酥松。 关键: 葱要多加, 炸要到位(千万别一气把肉都倒进去, 那就成炒肉了) 缺点: 炸肉时烟很大, 没有强力抽油烟机会经久不散。 红烧肉有千百种做法,哪种算古法,哪种算秘制,我不知道,我瞎掰。

原料: 五花肉一条 调料: 葱、姜、大蒜、大料

(八角)、桂皮、花椒、糖、盐、酱油、味精(或鸡精) 做法: STEP 1:炸 肉洗净切麻将块,2厘米见方,不用水焯,直接拿锅倒油适量,油热后放大料和肉块入锅,炸! 炸这道工序少不得,一是将肥肉里的猪油炸出,吃起来不腻;二是可增加肉的香味(不要过火,小心变油渣),炸到肉的外表有些金黄,停火,肉捞出,油倒出。

STEP 2:烧 另起锅,倒油适量,放入葱、姜、花椒煸炒,特别提醒,要放大蒜,略拍,去皮,不用切,整个放入,份量至少一头,一起煸炒至出香味,然后很重要——别忘放糖!冰糖最好,白糖也行,至少1汤匙,不用怕放多,肉是喜糖的。接着倒入酱油(最好用老抽,便于上色),不要太多。 动作要快,不然糖会糊的。熬出汁后,倒...


Confessions begins with a long-drawn lecture from Yuko Moriguchi, a teacher at a school somewhere in Japan. Ms.Moriguchi is about to leave the school; but before that, she wants to impart one final lesson - on the value of life. In doing so, she shocks her students with a revelation: her young daughter (very young, heart-wrenchingly young), whose death the police concluded was an accident, was intentionally murdered by two of her own students. She not only reveals the murderers' identity but also explains how she plans to take revenge on those students. This brilliant monologue that lasts for half-an-hour is the best part of the movie; it is wonderfully held together by Takaka Matsu's restrained performance.

Acts II and III present details of Moriguchi's actual scheme; it isn't as pedestrian as announced in class - it is much more devious and cruel. The movie scores because it creates an uneasy tension in the minds of the viewer: we realize that the kids' deeds are evil and are worthy of severe punishment. Hence, we don't find fault with the Mother's acts. However, it is very difficult for us to believe that it is their Teacher who is orchestrating these devious acts of revenge. It is in creating this constant discomfort that the writer's genius shines through.

The director extracts brilliant performances from the entire cast. I wonder how he worked with those two kids - how did he train them? The cinematography is high on aesthetics and adequately conveys the required dark mood. I however thought the final sequences (flames, blasts) could have been toned down a few notches.


After Reading “Aesop's Fables” When I was young, people around me of the told me the story “The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf “ in order to educate me to be an honest person. At that age, in my opinion, it was just a story written by my parents or other people I knew to frighten me. As I grow older, I get to know that it is a fable from a very famous book “Aesop's Fables”. The book “Aesop's Fables” wasn't written by Aesop but was collected and anthologized by him. The working people created the stories in the book in ancient times. They created the stories using their living experiences and imagination, and then handed them down from generation to generation. The book one of the precious cultural heritages. There're more than one hundred fables in the book. The protagonists of most of the fables are animals or plants, which are depicted like human beings. This writing technique is called personification that is often used in fables and fairy tales. Each fable that is short and understandable tells us a philosophy. There are two stories that impress me most. The first one is “ The tortoise and the Eagle”. A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear. He heard her lamentation and promised to take her a lift and float her in the air if she could give him some rewards. And then he carried her up in the sky suddenly he let her go. The poor tortoise fell down on a mountain. At the moment of death she cried:” I have deserved my present fates for what had I to do with wings and clouds, and who can with difficulty move about on the earth?” The story tells us if men had all they wished, they would be ruined. I quite agree with it. Take our personal lives for example. Everyone has his own merit and demerit. One is good at singing while another is good at dancing. Nobody can have all the skills that can be imagined. This is the reason why some people are fit for making decision while other people are suitable for carrying out the decision. So it is no need for us to be jealous of others as we have our own feature, which other haven't. The second one is “The Bear and the two Travelers”. It tells us that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends. People live among a group of friends of whom some are true friends while some are untrue friends. When you are in trouble, observe your friends attitude towards you, you'll find who are your true friends and who are not. “Aesop's Fables” is a nice book for us to learn more philosophy of life and more useful new words.


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