
丑小鸭读后感 200字

09月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《丑小鸭》读后感]丑小鸭,一个家喻户晓的人物,一个安徒生笔下的安徒生。九象网13: .9xwang. 小时候的它,到处受人的欺负。被鸡啄,被鸭咬的它自然也不受父母的注意:逃出养鸡场后,又受到猎狗的追寻,猫...+阅读

丑小鸭读后感 200字

An " ugly duckling " -- in fact is a beautiful swan, but because he was born in a duck farm, duck feel it with their own different, that he was " ugly ". Other animal, such as chicken, dog, cat also says, all despise him. All of them according to their philosophy of life to find fault with him, said: " you really ugly, but as long as you don't tell our family marriage on any ducks, we pour also no big relationship. " They all think their noble, great, in fact, vulgar. On the contrary, " the ugly duckling " is very modest, " had no thoughts of marriage ". He thinks " I go out into the wide world. " In " the world" in one night, he saw " a group of beautiful birds appeared out of the bushes ... ... They fly very high -- so high, the ugly duckling felt unspeakable excitement. " This is the swan swan, later found the "ugly duckling" each other ", they swam to him ... ... With the mouth to kiss him. " The original " ugly duckling " itself is a beautiful swan, even though he was " born in the duck farm, there is no relationship. "


The little mermaid is Disney made film about a mermaid named Ariel, spending her life in the water with her lovely family, until one day when the queen, her mother, died. All the mermaids in the kingdom suddenly went into a period of quiteness and music was banned from playing. The little mermaid herself is going to find a way to bring music back into her kingdom.


一个夏天的下午,鸭妈妈的五个孩子刚出生,其中四个是小黄鸭,但第五个孩子有一个毛绒绒的大白脑袋,而不是披细毛的小黄脑袋。而且他的叫声是Honk,Honk,Honk!One summer afternoon a mother duck's five children were just born.Four of them were tiny yellow ducklings.But the fifth had a big white fuzzy head instead of a small,yellow downy one.And he cried as "Honk,Honk,Honk!" text-wav\英语故事演讲\106丑小鸭.wav “这只小鸭样子确实怪,”鸭爸爸说,“为什么他的叫声是Honk,Honk,Honk,而其它小鸭的叫声是quack,quack,quack?”"That certainly is a funny looking duckling,"said the father duck."And why does he say honk,honk,honk,when the others say quack,quack,quack?" text-wav\英语故事演讲\107丑小鸭.wav 四只小黄鸭围着那只又白又大的叫道,“他和我们长得不一样,他真丑!”然后他们和鸭妈妈一起去了河塘,丢下丑小鸭一个人。

可怜的丑小鸭不明白为什么谁都不喜欢他,他逃到森林深处去躲藏。The four little yellow ducklings gathered around the big white one and quacked."He's not like us,he's ugly!"Then they and their mother went down to the pond and left him all alone.The poor ugly duckling couldn't understand why nobody liked him.He went deep into the woods to hide.text-wav\英语故事演讲\108丑小鸭.wav 不久,他发现一窝小鸟在唱歌。他跳进暖暖的鸟窝想加入他们。“honk,honk,honk。”“你唱错了”小鸟说,“你妈妈应该给你上唱歌课。”“我妈妈不喜欢我,”丑小鸭说。这时,鸟妈妈出现了。“走开,你这丑鬼!”她喊道。Soon he found a nest of baby marsh birds chirping.He hopped into the warm nest and tried to join in there singing "Honk,Honk,Honk.""You are way off key,"said the baby marsh birds."Your mother should give you singing lessons.""My mother doesn't like me,"said the ugly duckling.Then the mother marsh bird appeared."Go away,you ugly thing,"she said.text-wav\英语故事演讲\109丑小鸭.wav 丑小鸭尽他所能飞快跑回了河塘,爬上一段漂浮的木头。

“没错,每个人都不喜欢我,就因为我丑。”他感到很难过,开始哭泣。The ugly duckling ran as fast as he could back to the pond and climbed on a floating log."No wonder everybody hates me,"he thought,"just because I'm ugly."He was feeling very sorry for himself and began to cry.text-wav\英语故事演讲\110丑小鸭.wav 突然,他听到“honk,honk,honk”的叫声。“那是什么?”他感到奇怪。在水中有四只白白的毛绒绒的小家伙,他们看起来很象丑小鸭。“来吧。和我们一起玩,”他们说。“在这么好的天气里哭泣真是太可惜了!”丑小鸭擦去泪水和他们一起快乐地玩起来。Suddenly,he heard "Honk,Honk,Honk,""What's that?"he wondered.There in the water were four white fuzzy creatures.They looked just like him."Come on in and play with us,"they said."It's too nice a day to be crying."The ugly duckling dried his tears and played with them happily.text-wav\英语故事演讲\111丑小鸭.wav 一只美丽的天鹅游过来,她用白白的翅膀抚摸着丑小鸭,解释道:“你根本不是一只丑小鸭,你是只小天鹅。

终有一天,你会成为河塘的主人!” Then a beautiful swan came up.She folded her white wings around the ugly duckling and explained:"You are not a duckling at all.You are a little swan.And some day you will be the king of the pond!" text-wav\英语故事演讲\112丑小鸭.wav


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丑小鸭英语读后感丑小鸭英语读后感 (一) Duckling ", once again to the cyg when one was young what experience sobs, feel sincere being glad to marvelous change of ugly duckling , ju...

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丑小鸭读后感100第一篇 今天我读了《丑小鸭》这本书,书中描写了一只又大又丑的小鸭子因为它没有漂亮的外表,除了鸭妈妈没人喜欢它。寒冷的冬天,丑小鸭在森林里受尽了折磨,幸亏一位好心的农夫把...

丑小鸭读书心得丑小鸭优秀读后感丑小鸭 丑小鸭读书心得篇一: 安徒生笔下的这只丑小鸭,处处受排挤,受嘲笑,受打击。但它并没有绝望,也没有沦落,而是始终不屈的奋斗,最终,终于变成了一只美丽的天鹅。 丑小鸭一出生就...

丑小鸭的读后感安徒生笔下的这只丑小鸭,处处受排挤,受嘲笑,受打击。但它并没有绝望,也没有沦落,而是始终不屈的奋斗,最终,终于变成了一只美丽的天鹅。 丑小鸭一出生就受别人的欺负、排挤喝讥笑。...

