

04月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《小公主》读后感]今天,我阅读了美国著名女作家白涅德夫人的杰作——《小公主》。九象网13: .9xwang.这个故事主要讲了:一个集万千宠爱于一身的“小公主”,突然沦为一文不名的小女佣。在残酷的现...+阅读

Today I read the British writer Burnett's " little princess", can't help but feel.

" little princess" is about a little girl named Sasha came to a college to study, enjoy the treatment of the princess. But at the age of 10, Sasha's father died, in the family, from the " princess" advanced treatment into solitary ding " little maid". Although fate so tease her, but she still optimistic, positive in adversity spent day after day. Finally, her father's property was lost and recovered, and she returned to her former happy life.

Sasha is called the princess, not because she had a wealth, but she has a heart with don't yield.

After reading Sasha's story, think of myself. As soon as I met a problem asked mom and dad, this is not lost a chance to exercise? I should learn Sasha and try to solve my problems in life.

" little princess" brings us not only a sad story, but also a profound truth in life.


小公主读后感今天,我阅读了美国著名女作家白涅德夫人的杰作《小公主》。 这个故事主要讲了:一个集万千宠爱于一身的小公主,突然沦为一文不名的小女佣。在残酷的现实考验下,她还能维持公主的...

小公主读后感英文小公主英文读后感 Every Girl Can Be A Princess Every girl can be a princess, even though she lives in a low attic, even though she is in shabby clothes, even tho...

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书虫小公主读后感英语100词在成长的道路上,我们总会遇到大大小小的困难,有些人在选择了退缩,有些人却在逆境中成长。而《小公主》的主人公萨拉就是一位在逆境中成长的坚强女孩。 萨拉全名萨拉。克鲁,出生...

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小公主读后感200字小公主读后感200字,小公主读后感英文:《小公主》读后感 《小公主》这本书真有意思。自从妈妈吧这本书给我拿回家以后,我就爱不释手,今天晚上终于看完了,我的心潮澎湃,唏嘘不已。...

