

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Thomas hardy ( 1840  ̄ 1928 ) is one of the greatest writers in England.Most of his work, including the Tess of the d primary, was based on hishometown, dolcet, on the south coast of England. The firsttime the Tess of the de was in high school, it was a touching story depictingthe feelings of the woman, and a girl's life was slowly, but truly destroyed,not by her enemy, but by those who claim to love him, and I can't help butsigh, how this love, how to destroy their love? Rereading Tess of the day, I amequally unequal to the fate of the hero, but I cannot help but ask: why? WhyTess such a smart, beautiful, hard-working and kind-hearted girl, butultimately as the victim was sent to the gallows. In thiswork, the writer hardy through the establishment of many accidental coincidenceto let people feel that Tess's life seems to be caused by fate, is the fate ofher step by step towards the end of the tragedy. But I do not think so, becausecontingency is closely related to necessity, contingency is the intersection ofmany social and natural necessity, is a reflection of necessity. The tragicfate of Tess, born in the capitalist society, is the inevitable reflection ofthe social law. Therefore, the root of her tragic fate is the capitalistsociety at that time.


急求一篇作文读海蒂有感 600字左右这个寒假,我读了《海蒂》这本书,这本书是瑞士作家约翰娜斯必丽的杰作,以20世纪的德国和瑞士为背景,讲述了天真烂漫、心地善良的小海蒂,用她的纯真和热情点燃了别人也照亮了自己这...


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观中小学生感恩教育有感今天,我在河北少儿科教频道观看了于丹老师主讲的小学生《感恩教育》讲座。 于丹老师主要讲了三个主题:一是如何培养孩子的孝心,教育孩子理解父母,尊敬老师,懂得感恩:二是如何培养...



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