

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小英雄雨来读后感500 1000字]最近,我读了一篇文章,名字叫《小英雄雨来》,主要讲了一个14岁的孩子--雨来为了掩护交通员李大叔,不顾生死和鬼子斗争,宁死也不说出李大叔藏在哪里,因此他给我留下了深刻的印象。...+阅读

It is not easy to find a job in the present society, let alone a good one with a promising future. Du Lala, a young woman in the job market, begins her career with a Global 500 companyas a humble receptionist. She tackles pressure and frustration in a positive manner, knowing that the obstacles are just many of the hoops she must jump through.

What will Lala harvest in the end? A promotion, of course, and, as an added bonus, a romance! The romantic Chinese film Go Lala Go! centers on Lala's joys and pains as she grows from an office rookie into an HR manager.

The film was adapted from the 2007 best selling novel Du Lala's Promotion. The story, about a diligent woman who takes the high road to promotion, has been hailed as a must-read guide for white-collared workers.

The heroine, Du Lala, has received an adequate education, and she earned her promotion mainly through her personal efforts. The Chinese novel is widely regarded as a guide for coping with office politics. Some critics have suggested the story is more inspiring than Bill Gates' success story.


四年级下册小英雄雨来 350字读后今天,我怀着激动的心情,读了小英雄雨来这篇文章。被雨来的精神所深深打动了。 这篇课文的主人公是住在晋、察、冀边区芦花村的小英雄雨来。他最喜欢靠着芦花村的还乡河,经常到...

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