

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Tess was a beatiful girl. Every man even girls would be made an empression on Tess. The story told us that Tess's family name was Durbeyfield. His father----a lazy, poor and wasn't much respected by other villagers man was told he was a direct descendant of the most ancient and noble family and his real family name was d'Urbervilles. This changed the distiny of Tess. Tess would be distined to difficulty and sadness. There are two men affected Tess's life. One brought sadness and suffering, he damaged Tess's life, the other brought happiness and olso hurt, he was the man who Tess loved. In my mind Tess is an obstinate girl. After she lost her innocence. She still left Alec. She refused to take anything from him. She tried to earn a little money for her family. She kept depending on herself. At a dairy, Tess made herself independently. She made her life honesthy and work hard. As a dairymaid, her new life was beginning. She made friends with three other honest and generous girls. She soon loved the second man who affected her life. He's name was Angel Clare who was thoughtful and educated. At last, Tess persuaded herself to marry him but life was not as Tess had wished. Angel left her at last. As soon as Angel persuaded himself he came back to find Tess who had just married Alec and had already lost her enthusiasm. After Tess had just knew she was cheated she killed Alec. During her last few days, Tess stayed with Angel who had loved her purely and believed in her as pure.


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