

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[读后感100字 6篇!]读《偷书贼》有感 文字在这个时代似乎失去了力量。故做幽默轻松的文字很多,把历史拿来戏说,却使人看过就忘。炫耀技巧的文字很多,结构复杂,故弄玄虚,却使人昏昏欲睡。卖弄情绪的...+阅读

Have you ever heard a song on the radio that just touched your heart, your soul, your very being and it became one of your favorites just because of the message and feeling it brought into your life? What made this song so special to you? What was the inspiration the songwriter had for writing your new favorite tune? Now you may find out. Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song is filled with one-hundred-and-one personal stories by the songwriters of some of the greatest and most beloved songs ever. Entertainment industry executive Jo-Ann Geffen had an idea. A big idea. As she attended meetings in Las Vegas and listened to the success story behind the Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise, this big idea popped into her head. When she had the opportunity, she presented it to Bob Jacobs, president of the publishing company; he said “I love it. Let's do it.” From there started the makings of a great book with so many wonderful and powerful stories. Sure some are funny, some are sad, but all of them seem to have a magical tale about the birth of a song.Songwriters and artists like Christina Aguilera and Kanye West have stories to tell. For songwriters, the best way for them to tell a story is through their music. Some of the songwriters have chart topping hits, but those are not the stories they chose to tell. They tell stories about the first song they ever wrote, the song that tells someone else they are being missed, the song that helped someone through a rough time, or the song that told the world they are survivors. There is a song for every occasion and season of life.When I started reading this book I could not put it down. I loved it! I was so enthralled by every story. As I read the story behind the song and then the lyrics memories from my own lifetime came into view. I was intrigued by the stories that built the songs. I found it interesting that a few of the more well known and popular songs were written in a matter of minutes. Songs such as Richard Marx's “Right Here Waiting” and Amanda McBroom's “The Rose” performed by Bette Midler are just a couple of many where the songwriters felt that the words and melodies just came to the them as if by a miracle. There are so many stories in the book that describe how some of the most powerful and memorable songs came into the world.



读成语三百则读后感 100字亡羊补牢最近我学了《亡羊补牢》这篇课文,主要讲述的是:“一个人养了几只羊,一天,他去放羊,发现羊丢了一只,一检查,发现原来羊圈破了一个洞,邻居劝他修一修羊圈,他没有听,第二天,他又丢...


情商是什么的读后感10篇情商是什么的读后感 情商高的人,能管理好自己的情绪,也能敏锐的捕捉到别人情绪变化,对情绪充满掌控力和分寸感,不仅自己大方得体,也给对方真诚舒适的感受 不强求别人,先达到自己最...

情商为什么情商比智商更重要读后这本书之前,我就已经知道了关于 情商的一些信息,也知道了智商并不是成功的唯一要素,也不是最重要的因素, 并且时常拿这个理论鼓励自己不高的智商。 而这本书对我更重要的启发, 则...

情商读后感丹尼尔去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:oh上上签 ——读《情商》后感 从大梅沙到现在,也悄然过去了两个多月,有一本书,也陪我度过了入职伊始的这些日子,杨书华总经理的推荐,也让我走进...


高分悬赏:为什么情商比智商更重要读后感好了加分不要出来了通过这篇文章,我发现了自己一直以来认为的观点是失误的,以前,我一直认为智商比情商重要,想方设法提高自己的智商,不知道其实情商比智商更重要。 情商是指人在情绪、情感、耐受挫...

英语读后感关于心灵鸡汤ntertainment industry executive Jo-Ann Geffen had an idea, president of the publishing company, this big idea popped into her head. As she attended meetings in...
