

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[西游记大闹天宫读后感400字一定要是大闹天宫的]暑假,我读了《西游记》,这本书主要讲了:唐僧带着三个徒弟,去西天取经,路上,经历99八十一难,终于取得真经,修成正果。这本书告诉我们:做事就不要怕辛苦,坚持不懈就一定会成功。 在《西...+阅读

After reading "Robinson Crusoe", I have deep feelings. This book is basically written like Robinson, sailing and adventure, due to the storm big partners on board lost their lives, only Robinson was drifting to a deserted island. His distraught to face their own situation, and later Robinson found a water source, they can prevent wild animals where they set up a tent on the island, he encountered many difficulties and even disease, but he has overcome. He lived on the island is a twenty-eight years, and always have the risk of attack by wild beasts, no friends, do not have enough food, little hope of life,However, Robinson has created a great miracle, he actually survived, it should be said of Robinson, died by virtue of a strong will and immense wisdom survived.Robinson gave me the lesson that setbacks and failures, do not despair, and only did not despair, to be successful.Yes ah, people's life there will be a lot of setbacks, the face of setbacks, you are only two: one to move forward, and the other one is back, Robinson chose the former.Chu is a wise one phase has a strong will also infinite wisdom, outstanding military strategist, Sima Yi in the hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Chu fortresses, when faced with only a few hundred non-commissioned officers, then unable to reach Jiubing circumstances, Zhuge Liang is not a choice retreat, with his extraordinary wisdom clever to make empty city, fraudulently obtained Sima Yi is not a sense of attack had to retreat. Zhuge Liang rely solely on the strength of their own, they repulsed the Sima Yi is the tens of thousands of troops.I believe that in our study, living and working in the strong will and infinite wisdom is essential, both are indispensable, they are a guarantee of success.读完《鲁滨逊漂流记》后, 我的感触颇深。


鲁滨逊给我的启示是遇到挫折和失败,不要灰心,只有不气馁,才会成功。 是啊,人的一生会有很多的挫折,面对挫折时,你只有两条路:一条继续前进,另一条是后退,鲁滨逊选择了前者。 楚国名相诸葛亮便是一个拥有坚强意志也无限智慧的杰出军事家,在司马懿十几万大军来攻楚国城池的时候,面对只有几百名军士,救兵又无法及时赶到的情况下,诸葛亮并不是选择退缩,他凭着过人的智慧巧使空城计,骗得司马懿不感攻击,只好撤退。

诸葛亮只靠一己之力,就击退了司马懿是几万大军。 我相信在我们的学习、生活和工作中坚强意志与无限智慧是至关重要的,两者缺一不可,他们是成功的保证。哎 翻译了半天 终于好了 请你检查一遍 看有没有错的 应该不要紧 应为我和一个english teacher 一起翻译的 还检查过 希望能帮上你 O(∩_∩)O~


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