

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[安娜卡列尼娜英文读后感 200词]This is I have read a best novel In the wind the candle drags in the wind, the weak bright illuminates all around, finally low-spirited dissipates in darkness A...+阅读

美国这里是(就我所知)用high school及middle school都有,比较少见用Secondary school。那其中middle school就是我们的初一到初三。high school一词其中又包括junior high(初中)及senior high(高中), 但看到high school这词时是有一个蹊跷的地方要留意,在有的特殊情况下它只指高中,就拿我这里来说,当地有一所xx middle school 及一所 xx high school, 在这个情况下,就很明显前个指初中,后个指高中。 back to your question, 我看叫middle school students,high school students 都行,但要记得middle school students 只指初中生。


安娜卡列尼娜的英文读后感This is I have read a best novel In the wind the candle drags in the wind, the weak bright illuminates all around, finally low-spirited dissipates in darkness A...

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神偷奶爸 500词英文影评Simply because it has been in line to see a variety of small yellow funny image would find this film at. The plot of the story of what's actually quite old, an...

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中学生手册有感读《中学生手册 》有感古人云:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。而《学生手册》就是我们在知识的瀚海中探索的灯塔、指南针和北极星。当我第一时间拿到《学生手册》,我很激动,而...


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求一篇适合初中生的英文影评!Forrest Gump "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." This is my favourite sentence what is from Forrest Gump.Yes maybe God let G...
