

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中英语期末教学反思]2010—2011学年度第一学期英语教学反思 ---刘明凤 英语教学作为一门语言的教学,其主要目的是培养学生的言语技能,即运用语言的能力,它强调师生之间、学生之间的双向互动。英语...+阅读

I am a resilient person who shows a natural affinity and is good at communication. I conduct myself in a righteous and considerate way. I have always striven for progress and maintained a meticulous attitude in the past working experience.I take pleasure in engaging in work that is beneficial to myself as well as the society during my leisure time. I guarantee that I will be responsible for my job and bring interests for my department. I will also be persistent and enthusiastic about my job.


如何做好英语教学反思” 对这句话我深有感触,通过四天多的远程研修,在听了鲁教授的几节课后对照自己的课堂教学,在课堂训练巩固方面我查找了自己的一些不足: (一)忽视教材的特点,旧教法教新教材。 而且...


初中英语课堂常用口语集锦Any more? Put up your hands. You,please. Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Give me your answer. Very good. Boys and girls... Let's read the words together. Quic...

英语课常用的口语有哪些Good morning! Good afternoon! Open your books. Turn to pageXX. Who can tell me ...? Who knows ...? Raise your hand! How many of you have read the text/done the...

哪位朋友能告诉我在英语课堂上老师常用的口语有哪些Good morning!Good afternoon!Open your books.Turn to pageXX.Who can tell me ...?Who knows ...? Raise your hand!How many of you have read the text/done the exerci...

课堂评价用英语怎么说课堂评价 [网络] Assessment; classroom assessment; Let's check; [例句]评价可以是个性化的课堂评价语、个性化的作业评价方式或在小组中互评等。 Evaluation can include...


写一篇今年总结学习到的英语心得体会800字我觉得口语学习主要取决于外教资质.好.坏,我学习的ABC天卞英语就强调学习效果,他们很负责认真教学 而且还会出回家作业 紧跟着我的进度 特别是口语和听力,最好能是外国人教学。...

求一篇英语读后感Many of the earth's plants and animals have already died out, and a hundred species become endangered every day. If nothing is done, we may find ourselves alone...
